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I was in my office doing paperwork when there was a knock on my door.

"Yeah" I said

Liam entered through the wooden doors.

"Hey, what's up." I said signing some papers.

"Malia is making Alfredo if you are ready to eat." Liam said.

"Okay, thanks. I do need a break." I said putting some papers in files, and getting up to eat.

Liam nodded and walked out the door.

I placed the papers in my file cabinet and locked it.

When I left the office, I turned off the the lights and closed the door.

I walked down the hall and entered the kitchen.

"Hey Zayn"

"Hey Malia."

Malia was like a little sister to me, I found her when we were little, her parents were rouges and were killed. She was just three years old and I was seven. My parents took her in and that was it.

"Your plate is on the counter." She said washing the pot.

I picked up the plate when my phone rang.

"Zayn." I answered

"Zayn it's Justin, Christi and a few members of the pack were at a bowling alley and she was attacked." Justin said.

"I'm on my way." I said

"She's unconsc-" I hung up and jumped into my truck and headed over to their place.

Whoever did this will pay.

"Where is she?" I snapped at a red head kid.

"On the couch in the living room."

I ran into the living room and people were surrounding her.

"Back up" I said and no one moved.

"I said back the hell up!" I snapped at them.

"Leave us." Justin said.

"What the hell happened" I said positioning her on my lap.

"We found her in the bathroom." Cody said.

"Why did you let her go by herself?" I snapped.

My wolf was about to take control but I pushed him down.

"You know Christi, she doesn't want help from anyone." Cody countered.

"That is not an excuse dammit! How long was she in there for?"

"She screamed, that's when Claire and I ran over to the bathroom, we saw her on the floor."

"What made her scream?" I asked, heart racing, and eyes glaring.

"A name on the mirror written in blood."

"Who's name was it?"


Once he said that name I knew exactly what he was talking about.

The kid that Christi saw die.

It still haunts her.

"I'm taking her to her room." I said as I picked her up.

"Third floor first door on the right."

I took her up three flights of stairs and finally opened the door of her room.

I placed her on the bed and looked for a small towel, I soaked it in water then ringed it out so I wouldn't get her bed wet.

I started wiping the towel against her face to see if she'd wake up.



Everything around me was fuzzy. I couldn't make out the figure in front of me. It was like I was in a room completely pitch black and a figure was in the doorway and beyond the doorway was bright. I called out to it but it's back was towards me. I tried moving towards it to get out of the darkness closing in on me, but I got nowhere. I screamed at it I tried reaching out to grab it, but to no avail.

I cannot get over the sinking feeling in my chest knowing that there's no way to escape this.

The figure slowly turned around I notice it's a male, the light from behind him is emanating so greatly that I could see the features of his face. He was blonde, blue eyes, freckles, and a scar underneath his chin. I knew this man i've seen him before in the picture frames of my house, I can't seem to place it, but I know him.

I look at his face every single day next my bedside table yet in this horrifying, spine chilling dream/nightmare, I can't seem to make it out.

Finally my feet start to move I am moving closer and closer to the man in the doorway. He reaches his hand out for me and I try to take it. I want to ask him 1 million questions I feel a close bond with this man.

"why am I here?" I ask.

My voice is muffled. He looks at me and tilts his head. His face is stern young, yet he holds authority. I noticed that our hands have not yet touch and right when they're about to The doorway and slammed shut.

Suddenly in my body is free to move around, I run towards the door and start banging on the metal.

I start to shout questions hoping that someone will hear me.



On the wall in front of me where I'm hitting the door I see a light that seems to be shining from behind me. I turned around slowly hoping that someone will be there to help and not to hurt. When I look up at the figure I see him.

He looks exactly the same as the day he died.

The boy that I think about constantly.

The one that is in my nightmares not only this one.

He looks at me as if he was studying my face, as if he were looking for a reaction.

"Nathan" I say, relieved yet terrified.

"Christi I died. If I weren't dead I would be looking for my sister. You need to find her. Start your search. Look for your family."

I wanted to hug him.

We never really talked, but I was comforted knowing that he was with me, but at the same time this fear bubbling inside my stomach, held me back from trusting him completely.

"Wake up now Christi." He said. He flashed me his smile and closed the door.

The room was pitch black. But I didn't feel alone I looked to my right and the young man from before was at my side. He looked at me and he smiled and kissed my cheek and said I'll see you soon.

When I opened my eyes it was pitch black. I thought I was still dreaming, but the subtle snore from the side of my bed kept me from thinking that for too long.

I looked over at my bedside table and realize that the man that kissed my cheek was a younger picture of my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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