Chapter 1

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Hey I'm Kimberly Dawkins I'm 18 and I work as a waitress  at Rick's café. I should be in collage like any other child my age but I don't have any money, my parents died when I was 16 and my other relatives don't care if I'm dead or alive. I  did well in academic but after I graduate I just got a job. I live with my good friend Kelly she gave me a job and gave me a place to stay her husband Eric bought her her the diner and she name it after him. I was currently serving some customers their breakfast. That's when I saw one of our regular customer coming through the door, Mr. Anderson  . I gave Kelly the list of orders then went over to him to get his order.

"Good morning Mr. Anderson. What can I get you today?",I asked politely.

"Good morning Kimberly I have cup of coffee and a meatloaf",he replied.

"Coming right up ",I told him then went to Kelly .

"Mr. Anderson want a cup of coffee and a meat loaf",I told her.

"Oh I think he's addicted to my coffee",she she said.

"Or maybe his woman can't cook",I told her making her   laugh.

His order was ready and I took it over to him .

"Here you go",I told him  .

"Thank you",he replied then took out his wallet he paid $10.50 for the coffee and meatloaf the he took out thousand dollar and gave it to me.

"Why are you giving me this?",I asked.

"Get your self something nice and don't think I'm doing this out  of pity I just want to help" he replied.

"Thank you it means a lot",I told him.

He finished his meal and left in his Range Rover.

"Guess what  Mr. Anderson gave a thousand dollar",I told Kelly jumping up and down.

"You need to spoil your self a little",she replied.

"You know I think I should I'm going clubbing tonight",I told her.

"I would join you but my man needs me tonight",she said.

"LA LA LA stop it your disturbing my virgin ears",I told her covering  my ears.

"Oh please you'll do it sooner or later",she told me.

"Whatever",I yelled.


The day went by pretty fast it was now 6:45pm I was getting ready to hit the club I took a shower  then got dress and just comb my hair in a messy bun. I decided to wear a red and black dress with black heels and my leather jacket. I went out side and got a cab in less than  ten minutes I was there. I show the security my ID and went inside. The music was load,I began to dance to my favorite song Grown woman by Beyonce. I went to the bar and ordered  a Apple vodka. I had a couple more drinks until I was feeling tipsy not drunk. After a while  I felt bored so I decide to leave. I struggled outside that's when I heard foot steps  coming closer to me when I turned around there were  two muscular men looking at me buying my lips.

"Look what we have here ? ", one of the said.

"I bet she dressed like that so all the guys in the club could notice her",the other one said.

"No...... I dont want anyone to notice me I'll give money",I said scared as hell.

"We don't went money we want you",one of them said walking towards me .

I panicked and did the only thing that made sense to me  I RAN I could hear them following me. I began to cry and blame myself for coming to this club but if Mr. Anderson didn't give me such a huge tip I wouldn't come here . Lost in my thought I bumped into someone hard  chest.

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