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Ps. I love you

Hi, my name is Avery and I was the happiest person in the world until the thing I feared most happened. I have never been able to be happy again since that day.


Dear Diary,

Harry and I were always together and we never left each others side.

When we knew we would always be together I was the happiest person in the world and no one could ever wipe the smile off my face.

Our relationship was perfect.

I always dreaded for that day and then it happened.

Ps. I love you.

Me and Harry were always the type of people who dreamt of having the perfect relationship.

The both of us would hide under our blankets at night with a torch in our hand and watch videos of the cute couples.

We'd look at each other and smile about it but in the end the couples would always fall apart and they never lasted.

That's when we got scared that when we fell in love that our relationships would be torn to pieces.

We thought we'd never be able to fall in love again but then we made a promise to each other:

"If we've always got each other then we will be okay and so will our love."

And then we figured it out...

We were in love.

Harry's strong arms wrapped around me underneath the sheets of our warm bed.

His lips left warm kisses on the back of my neck. l can't help but let out a sigh, showing how good it feels.

He sends shivers through out my body even though I'm so familiar with his comforting touch.

His warm breath hits my skin and my body immediately forms goosebumps.

Harry was my best friend.

He's always there for me no matter what happened. I would be able to cry in his arms when I needed to.

Harry is my world and if I ever lost him I would no longer have any's arms to cry into.

I would have no one to hold me.

I would have no one there for me.

I would have no one to be in love with.

Harry always tells me,

"You make me happy and that's why I'm in love with you."

But love isn't all about making each other happy.

The reason you're in love is because you both have strong feelings towards each other.

His feelings for you are unstoppable, he will always show his love for you.

As for you, you love him so much but you are to shy to admit how much you're in love with him but he knows how you feel about him.

You make all the promises you
can but you both know you may not be able to keep them.

You never want to let them go incase they never come back.

You kiss them and hope they'll return soon.

They are the love of your


Hold them tight and when they let go, hold them with your heart. Love them with everything you've got and try your best not to fall to pieces.

Because you'll never know when they won't come back.


YAY! New fanfic and I am super duper excited about this one!

Avery's celeb look alike person is Sasha Pieterse who I love, she is so gorgeous and Harry is Harry Styles of course...

My instagram is harrysdxck, if you follow it'd be awesome! And my old ig was my_superhumans but lost it due to instagram :(


i love your face goodbye.

Ps. I love youWhere stories live. Discover now