15) Kiss, Kiss, Fall In Love

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When Luco walked in, Coolio, Chrissy, Lil-Bil, and Sky all sank behind me. Chrissy pointed them all to the back room, a place where they could go without disturbing us. I heard them all creep off into said room as I smiled and approached Luco, who was grinning just as wildly as me. "I hear that you got my love notes," I said. Pink tinted my cheeks, making my face burn red hot. I felt like I had just eaten a bunch of peppers. I guessed that peppers could be a metaphor for love if you think about it hard enough...

"I did," Luco answered. He tried to meet my eyes for this next part, but he couldn't force himself to do so. Instead, he looked down at the floor, his face as red as the hottest fire engine on the face of the earth. "And... I like you too."

"I'm so glad to hear that!" I exclaimed in relief. I could feel my heart pound a little bit slower in my chest. I was just that relieved about the whole situation. "I was so worried that you wouldn't like me after I started going on and on and on and on about how much I like fancy chocolate that must have sounded so ridiculous-"

"It's okay," he assured me. Luco looked up and met my eyes. He placed his hands on my shoulders as if he was trying to focus me on the situation at hand. "I like you just the way you are. Even if you do talk about chocolate a lot when it comes to love."

We laughed together. It felt rather magical, almost like something out of a fairy tale, when we giggled over my chocolate talk. "Then let's make it official!" I cried.

"Make what official?" Luco asked. He stared at me with a confused expression. I couldn't believe that he could really be so thick. "I don't think I understand..."

"That we're dating! I don't think that the love gods would like us kissing if we're not dating," I explained. I bit my tongue so that I wouldn't say something about how Chrysalis in particular wouldn't like it if we weren't dating. I knew for sure that he already knew something along those lines. I knew for sure that I did. "So do you want to go out with me?"

Luco nodded, smiling like an idiot. Man, I sure did love that ridiculous smile of his. "I'd love to go out with you, Felicity. If you'll take me, I'll be your girlfriend with much pleasure," he told me.

I wrapped my arms around him with a wide grin. I was practically shaking out of excitement. I figured that my Cheshire Cat grin would fall off the edge of the planet if it got any wider. I was just so happy! What can I say when I'm so happy?! That I'm happy?! I think that's already a tad bit obvious, so why mention it?!

Luco turned red. Like... The color of Sky's hair red. That's quite the color for your face to be. I couldn't say anything about it, though... My face wasn't much better as far as color went and I knew it well.

"You okay? You look kind of sick," Sky commented. He glanced at his hair before looking at us, so I figured that he was comparing the color of our faces to his hair just like I was. I knew how he worked because I worked pretty much the same way.

"You mean that they look love sick?! Because I couldn't agree more!!" I heard Lil-Bil exclaim. Chrissy snickered happily from her side. She was probably just about as happy as I was since she's always been so romance crazed. I have to admit, I worry about those two and their romantic minds... The things they do are rather odd... Then again, the things that I do are rather odd as well.

I chose to toss that aside. I hugged Luco a little bit tighter and smiled like a giddy little kid with a Balloon Animal of Magic™. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't even think of containing my excitement at that moment in time, as a matter of fact. It seemed foreign to me.

Luco's arms snaked around my waist. I started to blush madly, even more so than before, which is saying quite a bit. I closed my eyes, as if thinking that having my eyes closed meant that he wouldn't be able to see what I was doing, sort of like how a little child thinks. I was hoping with all the hope in the world that he would kiss me like I had been wanting all this time. I was even willing to wish on some sort of wishing star that my dream would come true.

Sure enough, it happened. I leaned in slowly and I knew for sure that he was doing the same. Mere seconds later, our lips made contact. Chrissy took photos nonstop in the background. I could tell by the racket that her phone was making. Lil-Bil giggled loudly. Sky and Coolio just... Watched. They didn't know what to do in a situation like this one. The two of them had always been bad when it came to romance. Well, I knew for sure Sky was bad with it. I was just guessing as far as Coolio went. At the very least, I knew that they have so much to learn from Lil-Bil, Chrissy, and I...

When we pulled away from the hug, I let out a small and rather childish smile. "I guess I can change my online status from single to in a relationship with the coolest guy ever," I told him shyly, unsure of what else I was supposed to say.

Sky made offended noises in the background since he apparently wasn't the coolest guy ever, making us all burst into laughter.

This was the best day of my life.




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