8) Tears Of An Angel

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I pulled myself into a small ball in a corner of the agency. Today was a mess. Sky had been acting so peculiar, and on top of that, he full on ditched me. When we were little, Sky was never like this. He didn't abandon us. 

He didn't abandon me.

Tears formed in my eyes. I just couldn't hold them back. Normally, I consider myself to be a tough person, but when it comes to Sky, I don't think that I'm really able to hold back my emotions. Against my will, I began to cry.


I looked up to see Luco standing in the doorway. "You alright?" he asked. 

I nodded. "Y-yeah! I'm fine!" I stammered, hoping he didn't hear the hitch in my voice. 

Luco walked closer and took a seat next to me. "I know that isn't the truth," he whispered. 

I sighed. "Sky never abandoned me when we were kids.... But then that A Cappella competition happened.... And then...!" I sighed again and rubbed my eyes, as if to cut myself off. 

Luco wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Tell me the whole story."

I sighed again. "After the A Cappella competition, Sky started acting weird. He couldn't stay with one personality. And he's been talking on his phone a lot. And I keep on hearing something about phases...." I shook my head. "It's ridiculous. I know it's ridiculous. 

"Phases?" Luco asked. "Continue."

"I heard him say something about 'phase two' yesterday. What is he turning into?!" More tears flowed freely from my eyes. I leaned into Luco's arms.

"I'm here. It's alright, Felicity," he whispered. I smiled slightly. Out of all the lawyers who had applied for United, I had chosen at least one good one.


I walked up to the door of the agency. I opened the door. "Felicity? Lucas?" I asked.

No answer came. I walked into the main room. Nobody was there. I could hear talking from one of the back rooms. I stood next to the door, wondering whether entering was a good idea yet. Should I wait just a bit longer?

"Thank you, Luco." This was Felicity.

"You're welcome." Lucas.

I couldn't hear any more voices for a while. A small sob interrupted all of that. "It's alright," Lucas said. "Everything is okay... I'm right here for you. You don't need to worry about this anymore... I'm here, and I'm not going to leave you anytime soon..." I cracked the door and looked inside. Felicity was curled up in Lucas' arms. They sat on the floor in a corner. Felicity's eyes were puffy. I held back a gasp.

I moved away from the door and closed it. I didn't want Felicity and Lucas to know I was there.

"We're back!"

I gasped and ran to the entrance to the agency. Lily and Chrysalis were there. "Quiet down, sis!" I hissed.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked.

"Felicity and Lucas are in the back. Felicity's in tears, so let's leave the two of them alone," I explained.

Chrysalis grinned. "I ship it!" she exclaimed. 

I rolled my eyes. "Let's go home."


A few hours later, my phone buzzed. I looked at who was calling. It was Lucas. I clicked on the section of my phone that started up the call for good. "What's up, Lucas?"

"It's about Felicity."

Bullseye! "What about her?" I asked, trying my best to keep my cool. Lucas coming to me for romantic advice seemed so odd to me, but I wasn't going to ask any sort of questions. Instead, I was going to take advantage of it and let it stay with me as long as was possible. 

"She's pretty broken down after what happened today. What should I do?" Lucas asked.

"You should be there for her to lean on."


"Welcome, Luke."

"I'm kind of surprised that you haven't said anything about shipping us yet."

I sighed. What kind of crazed fan girl does he think I am?! Chances are it's correct, but that's not the point. "Felicity is more important than ships," I replied. "Humans and their emotions will always be more important than ships, no matter how you look at it."

"I didn't know you got this deep." Lucas broke into laughter as soon as these words left his mouth. "I kind of like this side to Chrysalis. Can I reserve her for parties? Is that even possible? If so, let me know as soon as possible. My birthday is coming up, which means that it would be great to have her around."

"Hey!" I cried out. 


I laughed. "Thanks for the advice," I said once she had calmed down after I began poking fun at her. 

"Thanks for coming to me. And you're welcome." I heard her giggle gently from the other side. "I love giving people romantic advice like this. It's pretty fun to help them out with this stuff, you know."

"See you at work tomorrow." 

"See you then."

I hung up the phone. When I thought of Felicity crying, it made my stomach knot up. I felt like I was going to throw up, but I managed to keep all these negative feelings inside so I didn't end up doing something stupid, such as screaming at the moon and calling it a rude space egg (which I've done before, but that isn't important right now). She seemed so tough on the outside, but inside, she was an angel.

I liked her that way. I always loved angels, which meant that this relationship definitely fit, at least on my side of it. I would have to see as for Felicity and how she felt about the two of us getting together in the future. 

I sighed and sat down on my couch. One of these days, I'd have to invite her over. We could watch Netflix or something like that together.

I didn't know how she'd feel about it, but I'd like it.


In order for me to post a chapter here, chances are that you'll have to pester me.

And I was pestered.

So take this is as a 4th of July present!

Or a 'Just Another Saturday' present!

Well, I'm out!


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