4) Butterflies Should Avoid Beeswax

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"Chrysalis, what are you doing?" I asked as we walked into the agency the following morning. It was time for us to go into work for the day. We were a few minutes early, but I don't really think that it mattered. 

She winked at me. "It's my little secret. I'll meet you down at the courthouse in one hour," she told me. I walked for the door, trying to hide my nervousness for what she was likely about to pull. 

"You had better not pull anything," I warned her, turning my head over my shoulder to stare at my younger sister. 

Chrysalis shrugged it off. "Yeah, yeah. I won't meddle," she said simply. 

I began to leave when I heard a muffled, "much."

Sis, you had better not ruin somebody's life... Most likely because I'm going to be one of the people to get in trouble for it...


I giggled once Cotoli had left. Lucas walked in after a few minutes of me smirking diabolically. "Why did you want to meet me here, Chrysalis?" he asked cautiously, raising an eyebrow as I approached him. "I got your text that you wanted to see me before the trial."

I giggled again. "That's my little secret, as well as yours," I told him. "Now, let's talk about a certain person. lI'm sure that you know where this is going."

"Chrysalis, I swear to God if you talk about-" Lucas started to say, his eyes going wide. 

"Felicity!" I cried out. I began clapping gently. "Let's talk about Felicity!" 

Lucas started sweating at this point. I rubbed my Magatama, and five red Psyche-Locks sprung into view. "You had better not try to crack open my secret, Chrysalis!!" he yelled out angrily. He fiddled with the sleeves of his jacket, which is how I knew that he was super nervous about this.

"You sure are distressed, just like you were yesterday. Did something happen?" I asked, crossing my arms and staring at him with my lawyer stare. I had been practicing all morning for this confrontation. 

One Lock broke. Maybe this would be easier than I thought. I liked the thought of taking care of this nice and quickly. 

"It's none of your beeswax, Butterfly!" Lucas snapped angrily. He was clearly getting agitated. This was his way of trying to get me to back off, but, thankfully, it wasn't working. 

I laughed at my new nickname. "Nice insult, Red," I said, returning the nickname favor. 

"Can we go now?" Lucas asked. He glanced at the door impatiently and started tapping his right foot against the ground. 

I shook my head. "We're nowhere near done." I continued to rub my Magatama as I stared at him. "Yesterday, you started blushing when Cotoli called you 'Luco.' Did something happen between you and Felicity? That's the only logical conclusion I can think of for your sudden awkward behavior."

Another Lock broke. This guy must be off his game quite a bit for this unlocking sequence to be so easy. But hey, I'm not objecting. 

"When are you going to butt out of my personal life!?" Lucas asked. I'd struck a nerve for sure.

"When you tell me the truth!" I fired back. "Let me guess: it happened when you and Felicity were alone! It was after the frying pan shenanigans that you were acting weird!"

One more Lock down. I had two left to crack. This was where things got super interesting. 

"Chrysalis, get out of my life already!" Lucas shouted. His voice echoed throughout the agency. I normally would have flinched at the sound, but as of now, I was on a mission, and I had no intentions of giving up on said mission anytime soon. 

"You were blushing when Felicity touched you! Do you have a closer relationship with her?" I asked, leaning in a little bit closer to him. 

Another Lock broke. Almost done! One more and that'll be that!

"Let me guess: YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON FELICITY!!!" I exclaimed. I began clapping my hands together in excitement, knowing full well that this assumption was correct. 

The final Lock shattered. "Unlocking sequence complete," I whispered.

"Fine! I like Felicity! But don't you dare meddle into my love life!!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Why does every body think I'll meddle into your life!?" I asked under my breath. I shook my head to myself, not understanding at all why everybody was making these assumptions. 

"Anyways..." Lucas said awkwardly. It was clear he was ready to change the subject, but I wasn't going to let him. Instead, I had plans on making Felucas canon before the day had come to an end. 

"I'm a matchmaker! I can get Felicity to love you!!" I grinned. "Now, what do you say to that, Mr. Red? I'll have you two together in the blink of an eye!"


I opened the door to see Chrysalis smirking evilly at Lucas, who was terrified. Lucas' face was pale, so I knew that something had gone wrong before I had arrived at the agency. 

"I can't believe I agreed to this," Lucas muttered under his breath. He stared shaking his head unhappily. This just showed me further that something had gone absolutely terrible before my arrival. 

"Um..." I began. I looked between the two, which sent my brown curls flying. I normally would have cared, but for once, I didn't seem to mind it. 

"I going to meddle into Lucas' personal life!" Chrysalis exclaimed. She whirled to face me with a childish grin on her face. 

"Lucas' personal life?" I echoed, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. I didn't expect her to suggest something like that. 

"Yep!" Chrysalis nodded. "But don't tell anyone! This is going to be our little secret, okay?" She turned to Lucas, that grin of hers still plastered on her face. "Now, if we're ready, then perhaps we should get this kicked off before the trial!" 


This is the biggest mistake I had ever made.







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