9) All Hail The Ship Lord

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I laughed as I walked into the agency the next morning. I could tell that Cotoli was concerned, but he didn't voice said concern for a few good minutes after we had walked in.

I five minutes had passed when Cotoli sighed from behind me. "Why do you sound so evil right now?" he asked. I could tell that he knew I was up to something.

"I'm going to meddle into Lucas' personal life just like in the fan fictions I write!" I exclaimed, grinning wildly. I clapped my hands together and looked up at him. "This is going to be great! Soon, he'll be with Felicity, and they'll be the happiest people on earth!"

"The fact that your internet name is 'ShipLordChrys' right now scares me enough. No need to cackle along with it," Cotoli told me, shaking his head. "The shipping thing only makes things worse in this situation." I began to laugh evilly again as he mentioned the shipping thing. He shook his head again and sighed.

"What's with the creepy laugh, Chrissy?" Felicity asked, cocking her head as she walked in. She seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday with the whole Sky fiasco, which I was thankful for. She didn't deserve to be all sad and mopey.

I laughed, like a normal person this time. "I'm just messing with Cotoli, that's all," I explained. I didn't mention the reason that I was laughing creepily, knowing that it wasn't a good idea to tell her straight up that I was meddling into the life of her future boyfriend.

Cotoli closed the door behind us. "The Ship Lord is playing around with her subjects," he muttered.

"Hey, you two!" Lily sang, skipping up to Cotoli and me.

"Hey, Lil! Have you seen Lucas?" I asked.

"I'm right here," Lucas said, walking up behind Cotoli and me. I turned to face him and grinned.

"Good. There's something that I want to talk with you about," I told him. I gestured for him to follow me into the back room. He shrugged to himself followed me, clearly not knowing what I was about to discuss with him. Either that or he knew but didn't want to say it.

"What's with Luco and Chrissy?" Felicity questioned as we walked out.

"The Ship Lord wishes to speak with Lucas," Cotoli told her.

"I'm not even going to ask," Lily sighed, shaking her head.


"Okay. What kind of snooping are you going to do this time?" I sighed. I was used to her snooping by now. It was just a matter of what she was going to do by now. That was the part I was hoping to figure out.

"You were cuddling with Felicity! Cotoli told me after we got off of the phone!" Chrysalis grinned. "Isn't that just the sweetest? I think that this is definitive evidence that you two are going to end up as a couple when you get a little bit older. And by a little bit older, I mean a few weeks."

I groaned. I didn't even know that Cotoli was watching us! "W-what?!" I squealed. "He was watching us?!"

"The little nerd didn't disturb you! Isn't he precious!?" Chrysalis exclaimed. She placed her hands on her cheeks and began giggling to herself, probably thinking of how much of a 'cinnamon bun' Cotoli was.

"You need to stop snooping into my personal life," I sighed. "Really. I don't think that doing this much meddling with a person's love life is entirely healthy." I left out the part that I knew nothing about mental health to keep my argument solid for the most part.

"I want to help you and Felicity with your romantic lives! You're meant to be together and I can tell! Is that wrong?" Chrysalis asked.

"I don't know how to react to that," I said. I shook my head and started walking back into the main room.

"Please! You can snoop into my life all you want!" Chrysalis pleaded. She shot her hand out and took my wrist. "We made a deal about that, you know!"

I paused. How many times had we gone over this? I didn't know the exact number, but it was definitely above one. "Fine."

Chrysalis grinned. "Off to get Felicity to love you!" She pushed me into the back room, which led to me tripping over my own feet. It's good I didn't fall flat on my face...


Chrissy skipped up to me. "Could you come and talk with me, Felice?"

I nodded, slightly confused. "Sure," I agreed. There wasn't any harm in it, right?

Chrissy took my hand and pulled me into the corner of the office. "Did you know that somebody at the office has a crush on you?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. But if you say it's your broth-"

"No!" Chrissy exclaimed, voice cracking. "My brother has a crush on somebody else! I meant Lucas!"

I laughed. "I know. We kind of had a little make-out session a while ago," I told her.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" Chrissy asked. "Since when?!"

"A few days ago. Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"You see, Lucas and I reached an agreement not too long ago. I would get to snoop into his personal life if he gets to snoop into mine. He told me that he had a crush on you, so I'm helping him out by playing match maker. Is that alright?" Chrissy asked.

I laughed. "You're adorable, you know that?" I said, ruffling her hair with one of my hands.

Chrissy looked completely bewildered. "W-what?!" she squeaked. She was probably thinking that I had a crush on her or something, which I can assure you is not the case.

"Just kidding!" I smiled to convince her of such. "And go on and have your fun, Chrissy! I won't stop you!"

Chrissy grinned. "Thank you so much, Felicity!" She bowed her head slightly before looking up with a smirk. "Let's play matchmaker!"


I swear, things get a whole lot more interesting and funny from here on out.

This chapter is a bit of a filler. I ran out of ideas....oops.

Well, Digital is out!


Turnabout Lovers (Felucas)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora