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//Josh's POV//

Six months later

"Hey guys, and welcome to a quick video with Simon-"

Simon waves at the camera. "Hey!"

"And today, we will be explaining what happened half a year ago." I glance at Simon, taking his hand in my own under the desk. "It's quite a touchy subject for us, I guess, so that's why it this has taken a while.

"Seven months ago, the Sidemen, Callux and Calfreezy decided to go to America for two weeks." Simon turns his head my way, smiling sadly. "Are you okay, do you want to-"

"No, no, it's okay. I just like looking at you."

"Oh my God, Simon." I giggle and blush slightly. "Anyway, something happened between us leaving the Stratford Halo and getting to the airport that stopped us doing that. All three of our cars were hit by a drunk driver and as a result, we all went into a coma from the injuries.

"Something very strange and rare happened which meant that we were all in a 'collective coma'. That means it was kind of like a really long dream where we all played ourselves and- well yeah. I won't tell you everything that happened because it would take literally hours."

"Yeah, and we were in that coma for about a month."

"A lot of bad shit happened that we really don't want to talk about. You may be wondering why we're telling you this, but we're telling you this because it links to Harry's death."

"Long story short, Harry didn't come out of the coma because of what he didn't do whilst in that coma if that makes sense."

"So, sorry for not releasing videos for a couple of months, I'm sure you understand."

"Oh yeah, we're together now." Simon raises up our hands from under the desk, showing our interlaced fingers to the camera.

"I think that's about it, but if you have any questions, leave them down in the comments or Tweet either of us or any of the Sidemen actually and we will try to answer them."

Simon grabs my face and places his lips against mine, but removes them after a few seconds.

"That's one for all of the Minizerk shippers out there."

"So, um, thanks for watching- God, I've forgotten my outro."

Simon giggles.

"Uh, thanks for watching, leave a like on this video, show support for Harry and, yeah..."



A/N: So... this is it. Hopefully this ending cleared up everything and made sense of the chaos. If you're still confused, don't hesitate to ask me. I hope you've enjoyed this fanfiction. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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