Chapter 4: The Plans

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//Josh's POV//

Day Two

I awake in the same bed as I did yesterday with Simon still sleeping peacefully beside me. It feels weird to be sleeping in the same bed as Simon, but we're only mates, right? Nothing more. Just two straight dudes sharing a bed, that's normal.

I slide the quilt off me and begin to push myself off the bed and stand at the foot of it. Everyone in this room is awake bar Simon; Jide staring into the ceiling and Vik sitting on the edge of his bed staring at me.

"Morning." I say after yawning. Vik smiles and moves towards me. JJ suddenly snaps out of his imagination and leans against the wall.

"Are the others awake or is it just us?" Vik asks, hands hanging loosely by his sides. I shrug and walk over to Simon, gently shaking his right shoulder. He wakes with a start.

"Good morning." His hand travels up to his face and wipes at his eyes.

"Morning." I say, stepping back one step and allowing him to stand as well. As expected, he stands and goes straight for the door. He opens the door, then walks to the opposite one. I move over to him then he walks through the doorway and I see that everyone is awake.

"Morning." Callux says, his black hair dishevelled from being woken up. I notice that Ethan and Freezy are sitting on the same double bed as yesterday; I presume that they slept there last night just like me and Simon had done.

Simon rubs his hands together and says loudly, "Right, guys! We need to find out what's going on here." He turns so his back is pressed against the doorframe. "Team A, that's me, Josh and Ethan, will get food because we apparently have none. Team B, that's Harry and Callux, will get weapons. Guys, just remember not to go overboard. Vik and JJ, you will ask around for information and Freezy and Tobi will explore the area for things out-of-place. Any questions?"

I never noticed this whole 'leader' trait in Simon before: is it just because it's not actually him, or have I always been this blind?

Everyone is well-informed and goes downstairs to complete their set task. Simon gives Callux $3000 of the $5000 he found yesterday in a safe behind a painting. He then takes a few hundred dollars for food and water.

I should say at this point that there was in fact a car park where Simon had said; an array of colourful cars lay in the parking bays, some not parked accurately. Simon had also assigned all of the teams cars.

After 20 minutes or so of walking, we come across the car park and take the white car parked closest to the exit. Simon was driving because he practically knows the Los Santos streets off by heart from playing GTA most days. Well, when we were in London, anyway.

//Callux's POV//

I step out of the car, heading towards the gun shop me and Harry found. Upon entering, the strong scent of metal and guns hit me like a shovel. I walk up to the middle-aged white man by the till.

"Uh, hey. Can we get some guns please?"

"This is a gun store. What guns do you want?" His voice is gruff and the cigarette in his hand is probably the reason why his voice is like that. Harry walks up beside me after browsing the wall littered with guns and ammo.

"A few pistols with ammo please."

"$2000. Is that all?" Wow, guns are expensive.

"Uh, two sets of throwing knives."

"Is that all?" Harry looks towards me and I nod thinking that is enough.

"Uh, yes."

"$2600 total."

I give the man all but $400 of our money and we collect the weapons and sit back in the car.

//JJ's POV//

Vik and I have walked around Los Santos for an hour now, and so far these are the facts and tips we've gotten;

- Today is Tuesday 2nd April 2019

- Trust no one

- Do not make eye contact, it is a sign of aggression (Vik found that out the hard way)

- Do not engage in any offers or deals on the street

It's not much to go on, but at least it's something.

We also can't trust the police, apparently, or doctors for that matter; people have said that it is really expensive to get treated any way.


We walk around until sunset gathering a few more pieces of information. Vik hasn't really spoken to anyone because of him being the quiet type. I talked to a dozen more people although some were not friendly.

"Hey JJ, shouldn't we be getting back? It's almost 7pm and we don't know what it's like here at-"

"Yeah, yeah, okay." I lead the way back to where we parked the car.

I find it ten minutes later, and both me and Vik sit in the black Zentorno, me in the driver's seat. After forcing the car to start, and getting it out of neutral, I press my foot down on the accelerator and I drive to our hopefully temporary house.


A/N: Okay, so this is a slight filler chapter. It just contains some information that may or may not be useful to the guys. The next chapter is certainly more eventful than the previous chapters, so prepare yourselves. :)

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