Chapter 7: On The Run... Again

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//Simon's POV//

Day 4

The midday sun is scorching hot, and I'm sure most of us have sun burn even though we've only been out a couple of hours. Earlier, we decided to walk around and see if we could find the airport. I really did want to take the cars, but everyone else decided against it by saying 'it will be nice to walk around for a bit' or 'it's a bit stuffy in the cars'. They're right, but it would be preferable to this.

We walk together for half an hour then someone taps my shoulder. I turn to face a very red Josh.

"Harry's having another fit."

He points over to Harry who is shivering violently on the ground, knees pulled up to his chest.

"Cal's not... not dead..."

"Bog, he's dead, I'm sorry."

"He is alive and... well..."

We all look at each other when all of a sudden, Harry jumps up and continues to walk ahead.

"Are you guys coming?"

None of us speak for a few minutes and we all stare at Harry. In return, Harry's eyebrows raise in confusion.


Josh shakes his head, his hair reflecting the sun's rays. "It doesn't matter, come on, guys."

With hesitance, the rest of us follow them.

"What the fuck was that?"

I turn my head towards Ethan, who was walking beside me, hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Beats me." I reply, shrugging my shoulders.


We all eventually catch up with Harry and Josh, and we walk with no disturbances for a good fifteen minutes.

"Freeze!" Our necks snap back to the heavily-armed police officers we saw on our first day. "Hold your hands up and no one gets shot!"

Without thinking, all of us raise our hands above our heads. Josh, who is standing next to me, murmurs for us all to run as fast as we can. As soon as the officers lower their weapons, we do just that.

We sprint down alleyways, splitting up in the process. I'm now drenched in sweat, the droplets accumulating on my shirt and forehead. Me and Josh turn down the same acute alley and I easily overtake him.

"Josh, take my hand, we're sticking together!" I yell, holding out my hand for him to grab on to. He does and his hand is plastered in sweat. I grimace, but continue as we turn down several other alleyways, eventually coming out on a main road. Glancing behind me, I notice that there are two police officers still running after us, but at a slower pace because of the guns and armour. The officers shoot at us, but fortunately we dodge every bullet thrown at us.

A few more minutes of jogging later, and the officers are no longer chasing us.

"Hey, they've disappeared!" I say, a grin covering my face. Josh looks behind him and let's go of my hand, but he plummets straight to the ground. "Josh!" I bend over him, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "You okay, bro?" I hold out my hand once more.

"Uh, I think so." The dark-brunet replies, using my hand to pull himself up. He falls again, but catches himself so he doesn't fall on the floor.

"I don't think you are." I look at his left ankle; it doesn't look broken, but if he can't stand on it correctly he must have done something to it. "Come here." I loop my arm around his shoulders and start side-carrying him to our house. He whimpers a few times along the way, and I grimace in return.

A quarter of an hour later, and we thankfully reach the large house. I knock on the door, because I don't think he can support himself long enough for me to open it. It opens and Tobi is on the other side.

"Oh my word, are you okay, mate?" He looks over Josh briefly before letting us in. I walk to the living room and carefully place him on an empty seat. Tobi sits next to him.

"Shit, Josh!"

"Oh my God, are you okay?"

"What happened, guys?"

"Did you get shot?"

"Shut up, I'll explain later." I stop the flow of questions bombarding us then go to the kitchen where there is a first aid kit. I know jack shit about medicine and medical stuff, but I'm willing to help Josh. I retrace my steps to the living room and situate myself at Josh's now levitated foot. "Can someone help?"

Looking around the room, I notice everyone staring at us- but Jide is nowhere in sight.

"Wait, where's JJ?" I ask, my eyes glancing from one face to another.

"I don't know, we thought he went with you." Vik states, leaning on the wall beside me.

"He'll find his way back, I'm sure of it." Ethan says.

"What if he's been killed?"

"Simon, let's not think of that." A hand rests on my back. "I know some stuff about this, I'll help you." Tobi offers.

"Thanks, mate."


A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you've enjoyed reading this up to now, and I hope you'll like the chapters to come as well. I'm sorry about the next chapter, it's a little dark. And there's a lot of... well, you'll see.

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