Chapter 5: Tragedy

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//Josh's POV//

Night 2

Everyone is sat around the coffee table in the living room, a few of us still eating. We had already shared everything each team got; me, Simon and Ethan brought back enough food to last a month which, if Harry's correct, is all we need. Harry and Callux gave each pair a set of weapons; the three pistols were given around with equal amounts of ammo and each pair got a few throwing knives. It all seems a bit excessive if I'm honest.

"Oh yeah, the date is also Tuesday 2nd April 2019. And we are definitely in Los Santos." Concludes JJ who has just finished a sandwich he made.

"Also, we checked everywhere and there is nothing out of the ordinary," Tobi says, sinking into the sofa. "Absolutely nothing."

I glance at the clock on the wall; midnight.

"Guys, we should really head back to bed." I say, making a move towards the open door. The others make sounds of approval then, one by one, exit the living room.

"I might sleep down here, Ethan's getting on my nerves and I am not sleeping in the same bed as him again." Freezy lies across the longest sofa, his long legs dangling over the side. He reaches around for a cushion and slots it under his head.

"Okay, see you later." And with that, I close the door and head upstairs to bed.


//Calfreezy's POV//

I keep tossing and turning, but I can't sleep for some reason; it is uncomfortable but I have a nagging sensation it is not that. I can barely see a foot in front of me as there is no source of light in the room, bar the moonlight shining onto the carpet through the windows.

I sink further into the cushions, trying to get comfortable, but I hear a knock at the door. It's been at least an hour since the other guys have gone upstairs, so I guess that they're all asleep.

Knock knock.

Irritated, I push myself off the sofa and feel my way around the room until I hit a door handle. I push it down and pull the door open then walk out into the hallway. It's a little bit lighter, I still can't see much though. I stumble to the front door and blindly open it.


Two figures stand, metallic knives at their sides.

Before I know it, a knife is plunged into my side, a splitting pain ripping through me. A second knife stabs into my chest, but the pain is slightly more numb. A gloved hand is pressed roughly at my mouth, muting my screams as I am pushed to the carpet. My mind races and my heart beat quickens. I feel myself getting drained of blood and energy, my skin becoming increasingly wetter. I don't realise I'm gasping for air until a hand shakes my shoulder.

"Callum! Oh shit, Cal, stay with us!" A voice says.

"Fucking talk to him, someone. He's going to die, oh my God, oh my God..."

"... listen, mate... stay with us..."

"No! ... please, please..."

My eyes shut slowly and I begin to fall into the dark void, no longer sensing pain or distress.

//Josh's POV//

Oh my fucking God. The intruders have stabbed Calfreezy and he's bleeding out on the carpet!

"Calfreezy, listen, mate, I'm... oh fuck, stay with us, Cal!" I scramble around the house looking for a first aid kit, or a bandage or anything to stop the masses of blood and to save our friend. In the kitchen, I find a roll of bandage and I sprint to where the guys are crowding around him. Everything is a blur as I push them out of the way, fingers fumbling with the roll. I kneel next to the wounds and grab the nearest thing to me, which happens to be someone's hand, and I sternly instruct them to press the hand against the blood flow. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but if I can stop the blood flowing so damn fast we could have a chance. My hands fly about his body, wrapping the bandages around his torso tightly.


"No! Callum, you will listen to me. Stay with us... please, please... stay... with us..." My hands slow down and I realise the scene in front of me; Calfreezy lies in a pool of his own thick, red blood. "No..." My fingers lose grip on the bandage roll, it falling to the ground.

"Oh my fucking God, Josh. Oh my fucking God." I turn my head to Simon, who is pacing up and down the hallway. Oh my God...


A/N: You knew someone had to die by chapter 5. Sorry.

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