Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)

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We stayed in the treehouse for a while before we all went back home. On the way home I was walking with Benny and look over and see Phillips across the street. He sees us and comes walking towards us. "Benny just walk away, don't say anything." I said. I knew he was mad and tried to get him to keep walking but he just stood there waiting for Phillips to say something. "So I never got your name?" Phillips said to me. "Back off Phillips she's mine!" "Hey I'm just asking for her name." Phillips said and pushed him. Benny took his hat off and pushed Phillips back and he fell to the ground. "Benny stop!" I yelled and tried to pull him back. "Okay you win for now.. I'll just have to beat you tomorrow at noon." Phillips said as he got up and started walking off. "It's okay baby." Benny said to me putting his arm around me and walking over to my house. "So we play them tomorrow?" I said. "Yeah" I could tell he was thinking about something but I didn't know what so I shrugged my shoulders and he kissed me on the forehead and I went inside my house.

June 8th

The next morning I didn't bother setting my alarm because Benny would come over early while I was asleep and wake me up, but when I woke up no one was there. I turn over to see what time it was. 11:45 "uh I'm gonna be late!" I said and quickly got out of bed and got ready to go over to the sandlot. I jogged over and saw some people already there, then I heard yelling. "Back off she's mine!" I heard Benny yell. I run over there as fast as I can and see Benny on top of Phillips hitting him. "Benny stop!" I said. He turned and looked at me and got off. Phillips got up and him and his team walked off without saying anything. "Benny are you okay man?" Squints said. "I'm fine." He said. "Benny why did you do that? And why didn't you come and get me?" I said brushing the dirt off his shirt. "Because I knew this would happen and I didn't want you to get hurt."  "So are we gonna play at all today?" Ham said. "Yeah I'll be there in a second." Benny replied. He looked back at me and stared into my eyes. "I love you Valerie, and I know he's not going to talk to you ever again." He hugged me tightly and put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me.  That's when I realized that my life was perfect at the moment. I had lots of friends and the boy I liked ever since I moved. The summer of 62 was the best summer of my life.

Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)Where stories live. Discover now