Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)

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This is the outfit for the date

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This is the outfit for the date.

Just as I get inside my room I try to find the best outfit to wear. I didn't want to overdress for the occasion, since I didn't know where we were going, so I jut put on jeans, white converse, and a white top. I curled my long hair  and started to put some makeup on. I heard a knock and my mom opened the door. "Where do you think your going all dolled up?" She smiled at me. "I'm just going on a date." I can't believe I just said that. I didn't want my family to know I was going on a date because I felt like things were moving a little too fast. But my mom didn't seem to care. " well I just a came in to see what you've been up to, you've been gone all day and yesterday." "Yeah I've been hanging out with some friends"  "and what about the date...Who's the guy?" "His names Benny Rodriguez." I said while looking in the mirror putting on mascara. "Well I'd like to meet him sometime." " I know mom ,later." I giggled a little, my mom walked out and I put the rest of my makeup on. I looked at the clock on my nightstand, it was only 5:28 and he was meeting me at 6:00, so I just sat down on my bed and turned on my radio to listen to some music. I was getting impatient, I wanted to know where he was gonna take me, what we were gonna do, and wanted to spend time with him.
As time went by, and I was getting more and more impatient, I finally heard a knock at the front door. I knew it was him, so I ran downstairs before my mom opened the door. "I got it" I said while running down the stairs. I opened the door and see his gorgeous eyes looking into mine. He took a quick look up and down at me and smiled a little. He was wearing blue jeans and a button up. He kinda stared at me for a while in awe. "Uh..hey, are you ready to go?" "Yeah" I closed the door behind me and we started walking. "You look really good Valerie" I noticed he was staring at me a lot, but I was pretty sure it was a good stare. "Thanks" I was blushing. "Your not bad yourself." He smiled at me and looked away. "So where are we going?" He looked back at me. " you'll see, it's just right around the corner." He looked excited, and I couldn't help but smile at him cause he was really cute. As we pass a few more houses we turn on to a trail. It was kinda scary because it began to be just trees and a small trail, but I was with Benny so I wasn't so worried. We kept walking until I saw a blanket on the ground and a picnic basket. There was a creek near us and trees surrounding us. "This is pretty romantic" I felt like he read my mind. It was romantic and just us. I couldn't of asked for more. "Thanks, I go here sometimes and just walk around." We both sat down on the blanket and he opens the basket. "I brought some sandwiches in case your hungry" "that's very sweet Benny" he got a little red. I picked up a sandwich and we started eating. "So... How are you liking the town?" I could tell he was trying to start a conversation. "I'm liking it a lot, I like the people here." He looks up at me and pauses for a second. " so, who do you like?" I look at him a little funny. "I didn't mean it like that Benny" I said jokingly. "I know... But.. Who do you like?" I look down and smile. "I think you know who I like." He got the hint and just nodded his head and pulled out two sodas and we ate and talked a little more about our lives and joked a little.
We were talking for a while after that and it started to get dark so we started to leave. As I stood up he came a little closer to me. "I hope you liked tonight" he was just a few inches away from me now. "I did, I had a good time Benny." I looked up at him and smiled. I saw him leaning in for a kiss, my heart started racing but I just tried to relax and keep cool. I leaned in as well and he put his arms around my waist and pulled me in a little closer and we touched lips. He has soft lips that I couldn't get enough of, but we stopped before it lead to anything. He slowly pulled away and held my hand. "I guess it's getting late.. We should get going." Benny said while leading me on to the trail.
A few minutes later we reach my house. "You can come in if you want." I smiled hoping that he could stay a little cause I didn't want the night to end. "That'd be nice" I open the door and my parents and sister are in the living room watching a movie. "Hey Valerie how was the..." My mom turned from the tv and saw Benny standing there so she and my dad got up to introduce themselves. "I'm Louise, Valerie's mom, you must be Benny" "it's nice to meet you Louise" my mom and dad both shook his hand. "Well, we're gonna go upstairs." I grabbed his hand and we went upstairs. We got into my room and I sat down on my bed and he started looking around. I had a few posters on my wall and one of Elvis which caught his eye. "I didn't know you liked Elvis." He turned to me and I just rolled my eyes and smiled. "You can sit down if you want." He came over and sat down and I turned on the tv. He put his arm around me and I layed my head on his chest.

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