Breaking Point

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Shizuo always thought of himself as an uncontrollable beast.

He had an awful temper and got pissed off at small things.

There were many times when he believed he truly was a monster.

However, his friends constant reassurances led him to grow self respect.

So many people cared for him despite his abnormal strength.

He had been close to injuring the people he loved most, especially his younger brother Kasuka.

Yet somehow, everyone stuck with him.

Shizuo wasn't alone in this world, he was surrounded by people he called friends.

Orihara Izaya was someone Shizuo always thought was in control.

The raven haired man always seemed to know what he was doing in life.

From high school Izaya talked about becoming an informant while Shizuo struggled to find a job he would like.

During their fights a confident smirk never left his old enemy's face.

Izaya never got caught, having an escape route no matter where they were.

Every word the informant spoke was deliberate and spoken with absolute certainty.

Yes, Shizuo had been sure nothing could shake Orihara Izaya.

That's why the ex bartender could only stare in shock as the man he'd grown to like took another swig out of a wine glass.

Nothing came out, Izaya having already drunk it all before Shizuo arrived.

Grumbling, the shorter male stared at his glass as if something would magically appear in it.

Shizuo had never seen Izaya drunk.

Shizuo had never witnessed those sharp red eyes glazed instead.

Shizuo had never experienced anything else besides Izaya's confident and well adjusted aura.

Sighing, the blond walked over to the dark haired man and grabbed the empty glass, putting it down in the sink.

He couldn't help but wince as he heard Izaya slur at him to give it back.

"There's nothing in there, dummy. Why the hell were you drinking?" Shizuo helped Izaya back onto the couch as he had slid off.

Izaya stared at Shizuo with confused eyes and rubbed them blearily.

"I saaaid it was becaaauuuse of you. Stuuupid protozoan doesn't even knoooow what he did." The informant replied drunkenly.

Shizuo frowned, extremely confused now.

What had he done?

Izaya wasn't still mad at him for trying to hide his phone, was he?

Seeing the bodyguard's perplexed expression, Izaya laughed coldly.

"Youu just wooon't leave me alooone! No maaatter what I do." He grumbled.

Shizuo laid Izaya down on the couch, trying to make him more comfortable.

"I told you that I wanted to try out dating you. Don't tell me you're so drunk you forgot?" He teased.

His playfulness quickly disappeared though as he saw Izaya shake his head.

"I don't waaant to date you!" Izaya muttered, glancing up at Shizuo.

The ex bartender immediately stiffened.

"But you said-"

"I SAID that I waaaanted us to stooop fighting! I gooot sick of it. Then you thought I liked youuu." Izaya hissed.

Everything seemed to stop, Shizuo's whole world going cold.

"B-But we went on dates and got closer! You even stayed at my house!"

Izaya rolled his eyes, drunk out of his mind.

"Diiiid I have a choiiice in staying at your houuuuse? No. I onlyyy went to Russia Sushi with youuu because I thought it'd be interesting!"

Shizuo stared at Izaya, finding it hard to breathe.

"You...don't love me?" He whispered.

Izaya looked up at Shizuo, eyes laced with confusion.

"Noooo. I only like humans!" He slurred out.


"Heeeey, where are youuu going?"

The only response Izaya got was the door shutting quietly as Shizuo exited his apartment.

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