Don't Answer When A Blond Is Calling

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Izaya looked up when he heard Shizuo speak. "Does that mean we don't have to fight anymore?" He asked, hoping the brute had gotten the message. Izaya smiled when he saw Shizuo nod and picked his knife off the ground, shoving it back into his pocket. "Great, glad that's over with then. I'll see you-" He broke off as the protozoan's hand brushed through his hair. Startled, he pulled back, ready to grab his knife and defend himself from what he presumed to be an act of provocation. "What are you doing?" Izaya narrowed his eyes, trying to hide his shock.

"Well, I can't say I'm not flattered. Still, I'd like to get to know you a bit more before any of that so why don't we start hanging out?" He smiled apologetically. Izaya tilted his head, confused by the turn this simple conversation had taken. "What do you mean? You're saying you want to be friends? You hate me."

"I mean that if you can have human feelings like this then you aren't the person I took you for. Knowing that, I can't exactly hate you and I would like to start over. How 'bout it?" Shizuo offered his hand to the smaller male, trying to look as less threatening as he possibly could. Izaya on the other hand was so taken aback by this that his jaw hung open. Shizuo, realizing that the brunette was surprised, took one of his small hands in his own before shaking them. "I'll see you around, Izaya." With that he walked away, mind feeling clear and a slight smile on his face. Izaya watched him go with a dumbfounded look, wondering where he went wrong. "O-Oi, don't tell me I have to play along with this..." He spoke to himself incredulously.


Izaya was back at home, pacing back and forth in absolute frustration. "Dammit can you be that freaking stupid?!" He swore furiously, trying desperately to get out of the situation. He couldn't inform Shizuo that he'd misunderstood because the brute would definitely think of it as the informant was lying to him. Still, he couldn't just sit back and became friends with the debt collector! Izaya's nose screwed up at even the thought! He didn't have friends! He was a God! A beep that indicated a new message sounded from his phone, interrupting the small man's thoughts. 'Do you want to go out for sushi?' Speak of the devil, it was Shizuo asking if they could hang out. Izaya let out a groan and flopped onto his couch. "This is the absolute worst!" Making up his mind, Izaya called Shizuo, hoping to settle this once and for all. The phone rang twice before the moron answered. "Hey." Shizuo's voice sounded vibrantly through the phone.

"You asked if I wanted to go for sushi." Izaya said bluntly.

"I figured it'd be the perfect chance to get to know each other." Izaya could hear Shizuo's smile through the phone and felt a slight twinge inside his heart. Izaya bit his lip. "W-What time?" He forced out. Wait, what are you doing? "How about an hour from now? It'll be at Simon's place." Shizuo informed him.

"I'll see you then." Izaya replied. What the hell are you doing! Shut up and tell him to screw off! "See you...Izaya." Shizuo's happy tone ended as the blonde hung up, leaving a stunned informant to stare at his phone wondering what he had just done. It was almost like he'd been possessed, unable to control his actions. It was like...he wanted to see Shizuo.

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