The Ugly Truth

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"I said I want my phone, Shizu-chan."

"I just don't think you need it right now."

"It's been a week since I came here and I can go home now. Give me it."

"I don't see why you want it so badly..."

"Give me my damn phone!" Izaya shouted angrily, red eyes flaring up with intense anger.

They were fighting at the front of Shizuo's house over the informant's phone. Izaya was finally well again after an entire week of rest with no way to communicate with the outside world. Now that he was finally 'free' again, he wanted his electronic device that Shinra had forbidden him to use during his small vacation. He needed it back for work after all.

Now if only the stupid brute would give it to him.

For some reason Shizuo was extremely reluctant to return it to him, trying to hide it at first only for Izaya to find it immediately. Protozoans are not very good at sneaking around apparently.


Now the faux blond was simply trying to persuade him not to look at it which was completely absurd considering how many messages Izaya must have by now from Shiki and clients of his.

What could he say? He was a busy guy.

Shizuo groaned and pinched his nose, taking in deep breaths to calm himself. It was something Izaya had noticed during his time with the bodyguard. The taller man truly did try his hardest not to get angry and so far he was very successful, not having thrown anything at the very annoying raven during his whole stay at his house.

Well, kudos to him.

"Izaya please..."

"What the hell is your problem? Just give me my phone." Izaya held out his hand as he looked up at Shizuo with slitted crimson eyes that dared him to anger him more.

Shizuo bit his lip and surrendered, hesitantly placing it in the smaller man's pale palm.

Izaya sighed in relief and immediately leaned against the wall as he scrolled through his phone, expecting there to be something wrong with it. Maybe Shizuo's inhuman strength had crushed it slightly or he dropped it.

Nope, everything was perfectly in order.

The informant quickly texted back an infuriated Shiki as well as some of his desperate clients that were begging him to help them after a week of complete silence.

He noticed the blond watching him through his peripheral vision but said nothing, instead clicking on the Dollars website to scan over any big new that happened while he was away.


Chouko: Did you hear about Orihara Izaya passing out?

Hayato: Yeah, everyone knows about it. Didn't the Black Rider carry him off?

Chouko: There's no way that happened.

Hotaru: Actually, I saw it happen. He just collapsed and then the Black Rider drove off with him.

Hayato: Scary!

Chouko: Think he's dead?

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