Ootoro Isn't Always Bitter

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Izaya trudged up to the well-known sushi place, cursing under his breath every step of the way. He passed Simon with his hood up, hoping to go unnoticed. "Oi, it's I-zaya. You come for sushi? Sushi helps cure all!" The man grinned at him. Izaya looked away, not in the mood for a conversation all on sushi. "Yes, I'm here for dinner. It was hardly my decision though." Izaya rolled his eyes, hoping to go inside so no attention would be focused on him. Simon was about to reply when Izaya suddenly felt two hands land on his shoulder. He whipped around, trying to pull out his knives when the stranger stopped him. "Honestly, are you always this paranoid?" Shizuo laughed before walking over to stand in front of Izaya, a bright smile placed on his face.

"I wouldn't say paranoid as much as being cautious." Izaya frowned, already growing annoyed. Shizuo paid no heed to the informant's reaction to his surprise "attack" and took the smaller man's hand in his own. "Come on, let's grab a seat." He smiled. Izaya tried to glare at Shizuo but instead was quickly pulled along into the store, leaving a very confused Simon in their wake.


"What kind of sushi do you like?" Shizuo questioned, sipping on his drink. Izaya's mouth curled in disgust as he watched the brute slurp endlessly out of a strawberry milkshake, something so sweet he wanted to gag just looking at the blonde. He turned away, trying once again not to start a fight. "I like ootoro." He said quietly, taking a small amount of water in his own mouth. Shizuo gaped at him in astonishment. "Seriously? That's super bitter!" The blonde shuddered at the mere thought of allowing something like that into his body.

"I prefer things bitter." Izaya replied, giving his order to the waiter as he came around. Out of habit, Izaya watched the humans eat and converse, noting at how many of them were giving the infamous duo a stare of absolute horror. They must think the world is ending. He snorted in contempt. "Hey, try not to think about other people for once. Give yourself some thought." Shizuo advised from his left, staring at Izaya in concern. Why the hell is he so interested in me now? Izaya grumbled inside his head. He planned on being absolutely miserable for the entire meal, but as soon as the plate containing his food arrived, Izaya lost it and began smiling like and idiot. He quickly took a bite, savoring the delectable flavor. "You're pretty cute when you aren't doing the whole villain act you know." A voice interrupted Izaya's thoughts.

"I'm always the villain and it isn't an act. Don't call me cute." Izaya tried to hide the light flush on his cheeks as he took another bite out of his food. Shizuo grinned, enjoying this side of the informant that he was seeing. Forgetting about his own plate of food, the debt collector watched Izaya with interest, loving the way he didn't seem to have a care in the world while knowing the brunette's intelligent way of thinking never stopped. Suddenly, a clever idea popped into Shizuo's head. He was here to see just exactly what Izaya would do....so why not go all the way. He leaned over to Izaya, watching as the man swallowed his last piece of ootoro and stared back at him curiously. "What is it?" Izaya asked.

"A test." Shizuo shoved his lips against Izaya's expecting that he would immediately recoil from the bitter and harsh taste of the ootoro. Instead, the sweetness of the raven haired man's mouth had overtaken it and provided the ex bartender with the best taste he could ever ask for. Like getting addicted to a drug, Shizuo surrendered and closed his eyes, not noticing Izaya's that were wide with horror.

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