Chapter 6 - Bruised Knees

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John's P.O.V

"Sherlock? John?" I heard Mrs Hudson call after she slams the front door shut behind her.

I closed the book I was reading before standing up to greet her.

"Where's Oliver?" She looked concerned as she hadn't looked over at Sherlock yet.

I nodded towards Sherlock who was playing with him again. Well, more Oliver climbing over him and playing, fascinated, with Sherlock's curls. I don't blame him, I would too if I could, they look so soft.

"Oh Sherlock." Smiling she shook her head. "I never thought I'd see you happily allowing a todler crawl all over you, let alone be in the same room as one. Thank you, for watching him."

"It has been our pleasure." I responded.

"Oliver will be going home in an hour or so, but next time, would you like to have him for the day again?"

"I'm sure Sherlock would love to do so Mrs Hudson, thank you for the offer."

Sherlock muttered something.

"What's that Sherlock."

"I don't like children."

"Im sure you don't." I laughed as he frowned and sulked.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me, I'll be back when Oliver's parents arrive to take him home."

"Goodbye" I smiled at her as she turned and left, Sherlock grumbled some form of farewell.

"Don't like children?"

"Shut up." He pried the child from his hair and placee him up on the couch, which had the rest of his toys lined up on.

"Tea, Sherlock?"

"Please." His voice was lower than usual, since he was sulking and all.

I was standing in the kitchen by the kettle making tea when I hear footsteps coming towards me. Sherlock appeared behind me and leant over my shoulder to see the tea.

"You used my favourite cup."

"Of course, I normally do."

"Hmmm." He stood there a while longer before turning to the kitchen table.

"A Scandel in Babysitting. Really? Did you have to mention the thing?"

"Oliver, and yes I did. He was part of today's case."

"So was you calling Donovan a bitch but I don't see that in here."

"How did yo-"

"She wouldn't shut up about it when I was in the alley. She was talking to Anderson about it, it amused me. Their presence however did quite the opposite, it was horrific. Anderson waa suggesting the man was cheating with the woman and his wife killed them all when he's clearly never been married and there was no signs of the other woman being close with the man, nothing more than business partners. Unlike Donovan with her bruised knees smelling of Andersons deodorant."

"I was wondering about the knees, noticed them but was a bit busy getting rid of them to ask how."

"Where's Oliver? " I handed him his tea.

"Asleep on the couch."

"Good." I held my tea close to my chest. We both stood there in silence, occasionally taking sips of our tea. Sherlock stepped towards me to place his now empty cup on then bench besides me, his arm brushed mine. He was standing really close to me. I turned around and put down my empty cup too. Not long later there was a loud knock on our apartment door. Neither of us moved at first, then Sherlock walked over to Oliver and I answered the door.

"Mrs Hudson, I'd assume Oliver's parents are here?"

"Yes they are." She tried to look behind me for Oliver.

"Here take the thing." Sherlock handed Oliver to Mrs Hudson and she smiled.

"He's such a cute baby, with such chubby cheeks. Thank you, for looking after him all day for me."

"Anytime." I replied.

I closed the door after she left, taking Oliver with her.

"Sherlock I used the last of the milk for the tea, could you run to the store and get some?" I had asked to late. He had gone to play his violin, playing the tune he had been working on recently.

"Never mind I'll get it." I muttered.

"I'll be back I'm just popping out to get some milk." I said slightly louder to make sure he heard me.

Sherlock nodded so I grabbed my coat and my cane and went out to get some milk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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