Chapter 3 - Gavin

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Sherlock P.O.V.

Lestrade was livid. I could just about see the smoke coming from his ears, even though that's not possible.
There was a baby. At a crime scene.
His face was bright red, he had an aurora of hostility.
"Why, Sherlock, for starters, do you have a baby, and why did you think it was a good idea to bring it to a crime scene!!" He reminded me of a bull about to charge.
"Now Lestrade, why wouldn't it be? Not as if the child would be near the bodies, John will stay over there with it so it doesn't see the bodies and cause physiological damage."
He sighed loudly, calming down ever so slowly. He held one hand to the bridge of his nose and shook his head.
"Sherlock I swear..." he muttered to himself.
"Alright fine, but why do you have the child with you at all?"
"The Thing was meant to be with Mrs Hudson today, a friend asked her to babysit but she had to go out. She called in a favour asking for us to look after The Thing." I replied
"You know it has a name, right Sherlock?" John said standing next to me holding the sleeping Thing.
"Then use it?" He looked up at me
"Why would I call The Thing by it's name, Gavin what do you think it should be called?"
"His name is Greg, Sherlock." John scowls at me
"No it's Gavin."
"No Sherlock, my name is actually Greg." Lestrade said with a sigh
"Oh really. Right then Greg, what should The Thing be called?" I replied.
"Hphm." I turned and walked towards the dead bodies.
I could tell by the suit jacket one of the males was wearing is the same upper class brand as the two females. A uniform of sorts. They work together at a store in the centre of London, from the marks on their wrists that they were tied up before taken down to this alley approximately 570m away from their workplace. It was a co-worker who had killed them, they would mock him for being from downtown and for not having a high status in society like them. I spun around and walked over to the alley down the street to search the garbage bins for the murder weapon. The blood drops on the road gave away where he hid the weapon. It didn't take me long until I found it, shoved down the right side covered with wrappers and expired food. I pulled it out and brought it to Lestrade.
"Co-worker who works on the same shift as them, only four on at a time, killed them. He had low self-esteem from being from a poorly family, they teased him relentless for that fact, they were of a higher status. Arrest him now, he will be at his home address." I quickly state the details to Lestrade and walk away from the scene expecting John to follow.

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