Chapter 2 - Meeting Oliver

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John's P.O.V.

Sherlock had been acting strange. He always does but even more than usual. He keeps saying things then quickly trying to cover his tracks, and he's been avoiding me more so than normal. Like about how he needs me. I keep thinking maybe he does have feelings for me but no. Mike mentioned something last time I saw him about Sherlock liking me but I thought he was joking. Now I'm not so sure. I'm so confused. I'm married to Mary, but I don't think I love her. Not anymore. Maybe I never did, and I just wanted someone when Sherlock was.... I couldn't bring myself to think of it. She helped me get through that pain. But I don't know anymore. I care for her. But I care for Sherlock as well, more than her. He's my best friend and my work mate, that must be it. Must be why I care so much. I definitely don't have feelings for him. Do I? I'm so confused!! Ugh emotions are hard.
Sherlock walked into the room which interrupted my thoughts.
"Where is the baby?"
"Mrs Hudson still has the baby. Let's go downstairs, I'll go and get them from Mrs Hudson."
"Okay. I'll get a cab."
We went downstairs and I got the baby from Mrs Hudson.
"What's his name?"
"Oh his name is Oliver, such a nice name isn't it?"
"Yes it is. Well I have to go now, we'll be back later, Sherlock is waiting outside for me. "
"Bye dear"
I got into the cab next to Sherlock.
"What is that thing?"
"Sherlock It has a name. It's Oliver."
"I'm going to call it The Thing."
"Sherlock!" As rude as it was, it was such a Sherlock thing to do. It was also quite funny to be honest. I can't wait to see Sherlocks reaction to having to look after a child. Today will be fun. I smiled to myself thinking about Sherlock, I was so lost in my own thoughts about the man next to me I didn't even notice the car stop.
"Yes? Sorry"
"We're here."
I carefully get out the car trying to not drop Oliver.
We walked over to the police tape and Sherlock lifted it up the tape for me, normally I hold it up for him, maybe it's just because of Oliver. It could just him being nice. No that's not something that can be related to Sherlock.
Sherlock had just about reached Lestrade, with a slight skip in his step I noticed. He turns to look at me.
"What the hell have you got there John?!?!" Lestrade in shock is just priceless

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