Chapter 4 - Cold Heart and Sharp Mind

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John's P.O.V.

Sherlock had left me with Oliver. I looked down at his small chubby face and he smiled in his sleep. I'm happy he's sleeping peacefully for now. Having a crying baby at a crime scene would really not be fun to deal with. I looked up and saw Donovan walking towards me.
"So did you and the Freak have a kid?"
I sighed before I replied, "No Donovan, Sherlock and I haven't had a child. I'm married, you should know this. Oh wait I didn't invite you, because you're a bitch to the best man and I hate you." I want her to leave. Preferably before I hit her. I hate her so much she always treats Sherlock like he's dirt, like she's so much better than him, when in reality she's a horrible person with no personality and is ugly. She acts like he's an abomination when he's a perfect human, all this just because he's different and has an amazing talent. Just because no one likes her for her dull and cruel personality doesn't mean she should treat someone who is so much better than her like that.
"Getting defensive there? And you sure he was the best man not the groom?"
If I wasn't holding Oliver I would have hit her. She deserves it.
"Oh piss off. Go look like you're doing the job you can't even do." She looked at me with pure hatred. Just as she opened her mouth I say some stupid retort Anderson showed up.
"Donovan. Lestrade wants you."
Just then Oliver stirred in my arms. I looked down just as he opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled, turned to Donovan and Anderson, and burst into tears the moment he saw them.
Donovan and Anderson looked at me then at Oliver.
"Get it to be quiet!" Anderson snapped at me
"Well then you would have to leave, it saw your ugly faces and burst into tears." I held Oliver upright and started stroking his back
Anderson and Donovan skulked away to the crimescene. I saw Sherlock appear around a corner and march up to Lestrade. He handed something heavy to him, most likely the murder weapon. I watched as I hushed Oliver, not long later he stopped his wailing. A few more words were exchanged before Sherlock stepped towards me.

"I see you still have the Thing," He said without stopping.

I turned to walk by his side, Oliver cradled in my arms. "I see you've solved the case without me."

"You were here for if I needed you. This was a simple case, Lestrade made it sound more interesting and difficult than it really was." Without skipping a step he flagged a cab and slide into the back seat. I followed suit, ensuring Oliver didn't hit his head on the car.

"Where to?" The cabbie asked.

"221b Baker Street." Sherlock replied

"You don't need me for any case, Sherlock. You solve them with that clever little mind of yours that doesn't have room for anyone else. Especially those too stupid to understand like myself."

The cab was silent for a long time.

"I need you John because you're wrong. You aren't like the others, Anderson, Donovan, and the rest of them. You're different because you are smart enough to help me understand. There is room in my mind for you."

Followed by moments later, "and all those I care about."

"Thank you, Sherlock." He stared out the window, sulking now.

Upon arriving at 221b Baker Street, I quickly and carefully climbed out of the cab whilst Sherlock paid. Mrs Hudson wasn't back yet so I took Oliver upstairs and lay him on the couch. The little one soon fell asleep again. I walked to the kitchen to make Sherlock and I tea with some biscuits. I returned armed with a cup of tea and biscuits to find Sherlock playing with Oliver on the floor. I quietly lay down Sherlocks cup and went back for my own. I stood leaning against the door frame watching Sherlock as he let the small child crawl over his legs. Eventually Oliver crawled towards Sherlocks arms so he picked him up, causing Oliver to giggle. I couldn't help but smile. The Sherlock Holmes, known for his cold heart and sharp mind was sitting on the floor in the middle of our flat playing with an infant, and enjoying it. I saw him smiling from under the child's small hands covering his cold blue-green eyes and playing with his long black curls. Those cold eyes looked like they had some warmth and happiness in them as he focused only on Oliver. I took my phone out my pocket and snapped a photo, to always remember this moment, and to have proof it wasn't just me dreaming this scene up. I smiled as I took in one last look, taking in all the details. I grabbed a biscuit and wandered into the kitchen to my laptop to write about today's case for my blog. I think I'll name today's case 'A Scandel in Babysitting'.

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