Friends... At long last

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sorry about the taking so long to update but im only able to do it wen im at my grandparents coz i have no free time at my house so here it is the next chapter and me making friends n i might meet sum lovely people XD enjoy x

oh n btw i cant remember who is who out of Isabella and Amee u can figure it out given its us (for my friends btw ^^)

At the end of the morning the bell went for lessons. Slowly Lilly attempted to make her way to the room she was meant to be in first, (nine). Just as she had made to the stairway she found Jess and Zoe, to save an argument she didnt question them and carried on, casually.

By the end of the day she had started to get: an idea of where places were, and how to get in and out, as well as making new friends.

After a few weeks she had left Jess and Zoe and was now hanging round with other people, such as: Ashleigh. It was because of Ashleigh she knew a boy called Archie, who was is top set.

By the end of half term she had met quite a few people enough to knock for them outside school but still not to a great extent.

After the holidays she was moved to the top set. But because of Ashleigh, Lilly at least knew Archie, one is better than none.

As she was lining up for her first lesson, of science, with Dr H, Archie came over and was talking to her as sir came out, the line fell silent. Once inside she was put on the far and of a table, thankfully next to Archie. There was three other students who were Mia, Ronnie and Nickoli.

Over the weeks she started to meet new people in her class such as Layla, Amee and Isabella.
In the beginning Lilly absolutely hated Layla, Layla poored glitter down Lilly's back, pushed her through bushes, the lot. Amee on the other hand was the complete opposite of Layla, she was nice and caring. Just like Izzy. Lilly got to know these people and eventually started drift away from Ashleigh and Co. and started to hang round with Nickoli.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2011 ⏰

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