Dear Diary 22/05/2009

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This is my beginning, a diary entry actually from my dairy creepy... the date isn’t the same though but i did that to try and show that in the close next new school year it will all be good and everything will be resolved, maybe. Anyway have fun x

                                                                               Friday 22nd May 2009

Dear Diary,

        Why does my life have to be this way? Ryan and his little group, of so told, "friends" picked on me again... I could really do with a hug.

I'm so glad Shannon and Louise were there. They helped make me feel better. But I don't think anything can cure seven years of it, (the being bullied business), I don't think...

But at least you’re always here for me even if you are just a book. I hope someday in the not too distant future I can find someone like you, in human form I mean.

Someone I can talk to and will always be there for me. Just once can something in my life go right...?

Gotta go,



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