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On off, on off, on off, on off...

"Mate, can you stop?"

I stop clicking my fingers and made eye contact with my blue eyed friend.

"Look I'm sorry Luke, but you know what I'm like when I'm deep in thought." I sigh and run a hand through my curly, light brown hair.

"I know, but you'll blow the light fuse if you keep at it." Luke gives me a worried look and shuffles in his chair slightly. "What's up Ash?"

I sigh again and frown at the ground. "It's nothing," I lie.

Luke rolls his eyes, "c'mon Ashton, I've heard that before, what's bothering you?"

I scrunch my eyes together before opening them and looking at my friend again. "Why are we like this Luke?"

Luke tilts his head to the side in confusion. "Like what?"

"You know," I start fiddling with my fingers, "why are we different?"

As soon as those few words leave my mouth, Luke looks away and focuses his eyes on the scenery outside my bedroom window.

"Answer me Luke," I frown.

"Ashton, you know I don't know and I don't really want to talk about it, if that's okay with you." Luke faces me again, but doesn't make any eye contact. "It's ruined my life enough as it is."

A wave of guilt washed over me. I forgot that Luke doesn't like the subject that I have brought up. The subject about our in-normal abilities.

Neither Luke or I knows the reason behind why we have powers.
I can control electricity and walk through things whereas he has telekinesis and can create force fields.
Apart from having different powers, the only thing that is different about us is that he doesn't use his and I do.

I don't think he likes the fact that one day he was a normal seventeen year old boy with a normal life and the next he is living the life of a superhuman.

I don't blame him for being upset about it though, but it's gotten to the point where he doesn't talk as much as he used to. He's either cooped up in his room thinking or in the old recording room reading.

I guess today is one of my lucky days.

"Do you ever wonder what Michael and Calum are doing?" Luke asks, causing my thoughts to quiet down again.

"Sometimes," I reply, not thinking too much of it.

"Do you think they're still alive?"

I looked up from the patch of carpet I was staring at, "of course Luke, it's only been less than six months since we last saw them," I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood a little.

I frown again when Luke doesn't laugh back.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get an energy drink from the shops to boost my mood. You wanna come?" I am desperately hoping the guy would say yes and get out of the house, but sadly he shakes his head.

"Nah, I'm good. I think I'll just go and read some more of my book." Luke stands up and walks out of my room.

My heart sinks to my stomach.

"You know," I begin, stopping Luke in his tracks, " if you get out of the house for once and interact with other people, you may start to feel good about yourself again."

"I doubt it," Luke frowns, before walking out of the room and out the back door towards the recording room.

My mind is raising with things to do and say that it made me want to punch a wall. I feel terrible for him and all I could do was watch him suffer because I didn't know what to do.

I clench my fists and tighten my jaw, just about ready to fling my fists straight though the wall beside me, but what use would that do? None.

My fists and jaw remain in the positions they are in as I try to calm myself down. My body tenses and the tears began to fall.

If only there is something I could do.


I look up at the ceiling and take a step backwards, allowing my back to come in contact with the cold wall behind me.

I unclench my fists and bring my hands up to my face.

I have superhuman abilities and I can't even help my best friend! How fucking useless am I?

I run my hands down my face as I slide my back down the wall until my body is in a sitting position.

I sit in that position for a few minutes until the tears stop and my breathing slows.

It's silly, but all I can think about now is that energy drink I wanted, and how much I really need it.

My head is spinning and my eyes are sore.

I stand up and wipe the remaining tears from my face.

Now is not the time for powers so I walk over to my bedroom light switch and flick it off.

I quietly shut the door behind me and go to the bathroom to clean my face before leaving the house.

Once I am finished, I grab my wallet and phone, before opening the front door and taking in a deep breath. The weather is lovely and it was a massive shame Luke is missing out.



Hello all you lovely readers :)

I have been thinking about starting a series of 5 Seconds Of Summer books for a while, but I didn't know where to start.

I finally came up with something and here is the first chapter to the first book.

There is going to be a total of four books (one for each of the 5sos boys).

Tell me what you think... I would love your feedback!

Also, sorry that this chapter isn't very long. It's only because it is the beginning and I was starting to get tired.

Thank you for reading :)

Michelle x

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