Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes slowly and yawned. I felt warm. I snuggled more into the source of the warmth. I heard a small chuckle and something rubbed my arm. I looked up and saw ribs. My gaze drifted further and my gaze met Death's. I blushed slightly and pulled away quickly and hid in his cloak. "Im sorry..." I muttered. I heard a low chuckle, "it's alright y/n". Then a thought came to my mind. How am I not dead? I peeked out and looked at him. "How am I still alive?" I asked shyly and smiled softly. He looked down then back at me, "I'm not sure myself...maybe it has something to do with you being in the afterlife. " I nodded in understanding. I AM in the afterlife and he IS Death himself. I hugged him. "Thank you for letting me use your cloak Death." I muttered and nuzzled his neck vertebrae. He tensed and returned the hug. He chuckled and rested his skull on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around me. "You're welcome y/n."

Reaper Sans POV

I never want this to end...

Aftertale Sans POV

I looked up at him, waiting for him to sit next to me. He sat down and looked at me. "When did she leave and why?" he asked, his hands in his lap. I spoke with sorrow..."She said she was going for a walk two days ago. I said she could and she left...she hasn't come back since." I wiped another tear. "I just hope she's ok....I don't know what I'd do without her...she's all I have left..." I heard my voice crack and I broke down. Crying. I felt arms wrap around me and rub my back. I hugged back tightly. "'s ok..we'll find her.." Swaster spoke so kindly. And to think I thought he was nothing but a perverted prick. I buried my face into his shoulder. Crying softly.

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