Chapter Seven

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*Jim's POV*

I had pulled myself together and did end up taking a quick nap before venturing downstairs again around 5pm.

Spock was pacing the living room with a frown on his face that instantly deepened when he saw me.

He stopped in front of me and my gut clenched at the tormented look on his face.

I reached a hand out to him to show that I wasn't upset or angry, but his face darkened and he shook his head slightly so I withdrew it, a little hurt by the rejection but mostly just worried about why he was so upset.

"How are you so selfless?" He whispered in defeat, answering my unasked question. I tilted my head slightly to the side to indicate that I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Your brother died helping people like me, yet you helped me, and continue to help me. If anyone finds out what you're doing you would be killed, so why? Why haven't you turned me in? How can you be so unselfish? Especially considering how selfish I am being."

What on earth is he talking about?

"My brother died doing what he believed in, and despite everything that happened, I believe in the same cause." My frown deepened as I considered him. "You've hardly been selfish, I don't understand what makes you think you are"

He held his hand out as he has done so many times before, but withdrew it before I could touch our fingers together, shaking his head again.

"That. Doing that is selfish of me. Especially given the fact that I will have to leave soon. Another thing that makes you so selfless, you have allowed me to do it without even knowing, or questioning what it means."

I felt my stomach plummet at the mention of him leaving, but at the same time my curiosity was piped. This is the first time we have actually discussed the hand-touchy thingy - but his face tells me it's going to be bad.

"What does it mean Spock?" I asked him, trying to hold his gaze. He dropped his eyes to the floor in shame. "It is a Vulcan thing" I nodded impatiently, I had guessed that the first time he did it.

"It is" he paused and gulped nervously. "I am so sorry Jim, but that is how Vulcans... Kiss." He looked so ashamed and his cheekbones were a dark shade of green.

My eyes widened, I never would have guessed that he was kissing me the whole time. My mind began racing with the possible responses to that statement but one stood out from the others like red in a sea of grey, so that was the one I chose.

"It's okay Spock" I whispered and he looked up in astonishment. "How is that okay Jim? I have been taking advantage of your ignorance ever since I arrived"

I laughed slightly and he looked even more puzzled. "You're hardly taking advantage of me Spock - I like it" with this I reached out and brushed his fingers in what I now know is a kiss of sorts.

"Please Jim." Something broke inside of me to see the Vulcan begging so desperately. "Please, come with me. Come back to Vulcan with me - it can be our home. We could be together "

Leave earth. Leave the only home I have ever known and go into the unknown for this Vulcan I barely know. It's not something that requires much thought.

"Okay" I whispered and it was if a switch had been flicked within Spock, his face lit up like a Christmas tree and he stepped closer, resting his fingers against mine in the familiar gesture that I have come to love.

"Thank you Ashayam. You have saved me in more ways then one, taluhk nash-ver k'dular."

I have no idea what most of that means, but I don't want to ruin the moment by asking.

"Do you want to try something?" I asked with a sly grin and Spock looked confused but nodded in consent. My heart warmed at the trust and affection in the Vulcans eyes and my stomach did a backflip as I moved so that our chests were practically touching.

I closed the remaining distance between us and touched our lips together in a chaste, but very human kiss.

Being this close to him completely overloaded my senses with pure Spock, the sweet taste of his mouth, his comforting scent, the warmth of his body against mine.

"That was..... Very pleasing" he said breathlessly as we pulled away a bit.

"I thought so to" I laughed and he just continued to look at me in wonder with almost fully dilated pupils.

"I never thought you would feel the same way about me as I feel about you" Spock told me in a shaky whisper, brushing my cheek with his hand gently.

"Why not?" I asked distractedly while nuzzling my face into his palm with a contented sigh.

"Because I'm not human" his tone was sad and I couldn't help feeling elated that he was revealing his feelings to me easily, I know Vulcans don't share emotions lightly.

"I don't care" I reassured him. "You're Spock, and that's all I care about. I wouldn't change any part of you, because if you were human, you wouldn't be my Spock anymore."

My Spock, at last.

"How do you think we will get to Vulcan?" I asked eagerly and he let out a soft chuckle. "We can figure it out tomorrow, it's late and you're tired, sleep."

He was right, despite my nap I am utterly exhausted.

"Tomorrow then" I confirmed, walking backwards to the stairs so I could keep him in sight for as long as possible.

"Goodnight" he said softly and with one final grin I went upstairs to my room, leaving Spock smiling faintly after me.

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