Chapter Four

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*Jim's POV*

I got up relatively early, for me at least, and booted up my PADD.

I went to the search bar and quickly typed in Vulcan.

What? I'm curious.

As usual it took forever to load but when it finally did I wasn't disappointed.

I clicked on the top article and began skimming through it to find out more about Spock and his people.

I meant to get just a brief idea of what to expect from Spock and what he would find acceptable - I don't want to accidentally make him uncomfortable or something - but I quickly found myself completely absorbed in the history of Vulcans.

The first section I read explained that the Vulcans were originally a very violent, emotional race before they started suppressing emotions and living their lives through logic. Vulcans are apparently emotionless and showing any emotion is seen as some sort of weakness or something.

Vulcans were the first extraterritorial beings to make contact with earth. I know humans once mingled freely with aliens, but no ones really knows what changed everything.

Or perhaps the Council just don't want us knowing.

This thought has been on my mind since I spoke with Spock, he is polite, quiet, seemingly harmless and he was terrified of me at first, like he thought I was going to attack him or something.

Is that what really happened? Did the humans just decide out of nowhere that they didn't want anything to do with aliens?

Unbidden thoughts of my species turning on their allies, killing and locking up confused innocents and driving our friends away came into my mind.

I know the way non-humans are treated is cruel and wrong but I've never really thought about how and why it started until now.

I firmly pushed these thoughts away and continued with my research.

Hmm, let's see - Vulcans are vegetarians, touch telepaths (shit, must remember that) and can perform mind melds (where two minds join - that could be interesting).

The next bit I read left me very confused.Vulcans avoid physical contact with everyone except their mates, unless it is for a mind meld or something. Touching is very intimate for them.

But yesterday, as I was leaving Spock's room, he touched my hand.

What does that mean? Is it his way of showing that he trusts me, or feels comfortable with me?

Maybe I'll ask him.

I glanced over at the clock and saw with some surprise that it was almost 10am already.

I grabbed a spare pair of clothes and headed downstairs. I checked on Spock before going into the kitchen but he was still fast asleep.

I found myself standing in the doorway, just looking down at his peaceful face for a bit.

I could feel all the tension draining out of my body while I looked at him and it took me several minutes to snap out of it.

I placed the spare clothes on the end of his bed gently, careful not to wake him and left the room, pulling the door shut behind me.

I really need to rein in this attraction for Spock, it's not like he's staying. Besides, he's some Vulcan guy, and I'm just a human.

I shook myself again and started wondering around the kitchen. Maybe I'll make Spock a hot breakfast, he needs his strength after all.

I roasted some tomatoes, fried some mushrooms and eggs (I know he won't eat meat, what about dairy and eggs and that kind of stuff? Or is it all banned on Vulcan?) and made some toast.

Just as I was finishing up Spock came out of his room wearing the clothes I had left him (they are a bit snug but, hey, I'm not gonna complain - it looks great) and sniffing the air slightly.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him cheerfully and he nodded, silently coming over and beginning to butter the toast for me.

We grabbed a plate each and sat down at the table together.

"How did you sleep?" I asked as we dug in. Spock quickly swallowed "Very well thank you, I had almost forgotten what a real bed feels like"

We fell into another silence broken only by the scraping sound of knives and forks against plates.

After we had eaten we automatically took the dishes to the sink and started cleaning up, I washed and he dried.

"I can help you on your farm, if you like. I don't have any experience but I am quick to learn" he offered as we worked.

I laughed "don't worry about it, this is actually my mothers farm - she grows grain. Nothing needs doing at the moment I just have to keep an eye out for diseases and pests while she's at work. She works halfway across the world so she only comes back for harvest and planting."

He nodded in understanding as we finished. "Is there anything I can do? You have done so much for me, how can I repay you?"

I turned to face him and he shifted uncomfortably as I smiled at him. "You really don't need to do anything, Spock. I like helping you."

He tilted his head and stared at me for a while before a small smile appeared on his face.

This is the first time I have seen him smile, his whole face lit up and his increased beauty took my breath away.

He held out his hand to me and I automatically knew what he wanted. I extended my hand to brush my middle and index fingers against his like he did yesterday.

His smile grew but he ducked his head as if embarrassed - by the touch or the emotion is anyone's guess - and turned to go back to his room without another word.

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