Chapter One

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^^^^ Awesome Fanart by MissC3PO <3

Hey guys, So this is my new Spirk fic, Crash Landing. I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think :)

*Jim's POV*


"SHUT UP!" I yelled at the clock as I smashed the off button with my fist.

I groaned and rolled over, deciding that its not particularly important for me to get up early this morning. Damn, I should have turned the alarm off last night.

My body stiffened and I sat up slowly, waking up completely as all my senses went into danger mode.

I got out of bed and threw some clothes on, looking around for what could be wrong.

I opened my window and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Smoke, not much luckily - but still, it wouldn't take much for the whole farm to light up like a bonfire.

I ran downstairs and into the yard, calculating in my head which way would take me to the source of the smoke faster.

With my mind made up I started running, part of my mind subconsciously noting that I really need to start hitting the gym more often, I'm so out of shape it's not even funny.

I noticed the smoke seemed to be coming from the part of the farm where the mostly flat ground dips.

I reached the dip and skidded to a stop. The good thing is its not a fire. The bad thing is....... I don't know what the hell it is.

It was relatively small, dark grey and distinctively ship like. And it was smoking.

I should call this in, we were taught from a very young age that if we see anything remotely alien we need to immediately contact the police. And I've learnt the hard way what happens to people if they disobey.

Then again, when do I ever follow rules? Besides, whatever it is - even if it was found on my farm - it would be confiscated and destroyed, just think about the technology it could contain!

In the end my curiosity got the better of me and I slowly approached the ship.

I tapped it gently and almost jumped out of my skin when it creaked and a panel lowered, creating a ramp to walk up into it.

I entered the ship and got my second shock of the morning when I saw something both terrifying and spectacular, there was someone - correction, something - alive in the ship.

The thing wasn't moving and my curiosity got the better of me again. I approached it cautiously and saw it was humanoid, and unconscious but still breathing.

I pulled out my communicator to contact the police, they'll come and sort everything out and maybe if I'm lucky they'll give me some gadgets to play with. At least I won't be executed for treason because I didn't say anything.

I stopped with my hand on the call button. This isn't me, I can't turn it in, can I?

The thing - I pretty sure it's male - suddenly let out a whimper and I hesitated again, taking a better look at him.

He did look very much like a human except for a few small details, his ears were pointed, instead of a red tinge his skin had a faintly green tinge and the blood staining his shirt was definitely green.

Wait, oh shit. He's bleeding.

There's a piece of metal or something sticking out of his abdomen and I hesitated again.

I'm not stupid, I know what happens to the non-humans if they're caught. They're not exactly treated well and this guy certainly won't be getting any medical attention. I'm not a doctor but the wound looks pretty serious and I reckon he'll probably die if its just left like that.

I could take him back to the house, and see what he's like when he's awake. I'm sure he won't be able to do any harm, and besides, I can always call the police if something happens.

With my mind made up I tucked the communicator back into my pocket and scooped the guy up in my arms, careful not to disturb the wound too much.

He let out another quiet whimper and turned his face into my chest. I found myself shushing him quietly, the way you would an injured animal.

Shaking my head at my stupidness I left the ship and carried the alien back to my house, drowning in the memories of my old life that I usually kept locked in a dark corner of my mind.

So, thoughts? Do you like it so far?

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