Your Song

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A/N: starting with a short one to kick me off. dont hate me

Adore: Junk by Kitten.

She had never heard the song before you hopped into the front seat and yanked the AUX cord from her hands. She didn't know why, but the upbeat song almost made her want to cry, particularly the line, "fuck the future, just you and me."

Alaska: Go by Grimes.

It's not a little known fact that Alaska likes to party. In fact, that's where the two of you met. You remember the exact moment you saw her--the speakers were blasting the final electric chorus of the song, teasing you to approach her.

Bianca: Chandelier by Sia.

She'd heard it plenty of times on the radio--never the whole thing, she'd change the station whenever it came on. She thought it was overplayed and overrated until the day you smacked her hand away from the stereo and forced her to listen to the whole song. She never admitted it out loud, but you both knew she was in love.

Courtney: Secret (Shh) by Charli XCX.

You have to refrain from rolling your eyes every time the song comes on around her. You don't dislike the song itself, not at all. But you know that anytime a song with strong female vocals comes within earshot of Courtney, she's going to show off. Regardless, you listen to her sing over the music because you love her that much.

Jinkx: Maiden by MØ.

When you're alone and this song comes on shuffle, you can only think of Jinkx. It's a sweet tune for a sweet girl. It makes you want to take her soft hands in yours and dance around the kitchen like you once did half-drunk. You love to hear her sing it softly as you fall asleep in her arms.

Katya: Government Hooker by Lady Gaga.

You expected Katya to love someone like Gaga--quirky, talented, funny, original--just like her. The song almost makes you laugh the way it gets Katya on her feet, grinding into whatever or, in your case, whoever, is nearest. You can't stifle your laughter when the bridge comes and she starts to lipsync, "Put your hands on me, John F. Kennedy."

Naomi: Figure 8 by FKA Twigs.

Any song by Twigs makes you think of Naomi and the time she left her music on shuffle, the window down and the wind carding through her hair like water. Sometimes when you look at her, you blush, reminded of the line, "I'm just jealous cause you're more alive than I'll ever be." But then she looks at you sweetly and smiles, the sincerity of her love for you washing any negativity away.

Sharon: Stupid in the Dark by Xiu Xiu.

It didn't surprise you that Sharon would like a song like this. It's the kind that makes you want to put on a red strobe light and commit a murder in the cover of darkness. But when she plays it around you, you'd rather kiss her with an aggression she's never felt before. Like fire burning through the black air around you.

Violet: Escalate by Tsar B.

You knew Violet had never heard it before. Nobody really had, it was just a gem you'd stumbled upon while exploring the depths of the internet. When you rode with her in the car and let your shuffle take over, she had to stop you, giggling, in the middle of your sentence to ask what the song was. You understood. Who wouldn't fall in love with a beat like that?

Willam: Problem by Natalia Kills.

"I don't like her!" Willam protested, yanking her phone from your hand. "I just like one song."

"So why do you have the entire album?" you laughed, turning the stereo up. You understood why she'd like the song--she practically wrote the lyrics herself.

"Because, bitch!" Willam lifts her hips off the seat and sits on her phone so you can't reach it. "She's the only person who writes relatable songs!"

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