The Pet You Get Together

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Adore Delano: Bulldog puppy.
Adore's been begging you for months now. You aren't sure it's a good idea--you share a rented home, never paid pet deposit, and you're not really big on cleaning piddle spots and the little pebbles of shit you know it'll leave behind. But eventually you come around when she drags you along with her to the local pet shelter. Within just seconds of stepping in the building you want to adopt every dog in there; knowing you can't makes you want to cry. After half an hour of looking, the both of you fall in love with a tiny, white bulldog puppy. You sign all his papers and are out the door within an hour. You debate names in the car (you like Mouse, she wants Ziggy) as he pants happily in the back, his crate strapped in like a carseat.


Alaska Thunderfuck: Turkish Angora kitten.
She buys you the kitten for your birthday. The two of you have had long talks about pets and all the pros and cons of any animal you could possibly have, and decided long ago that you were both dead set on a cat. She had been checking in at shelters around town for weeks trying to find the perfect cat in time--and all odds worked in her favor when just two days before your birthday, a fluffy white kitten joined the list of available animals just down the street. You can't contain how happy you were when you woke up the day before your birthday to tiny paws stumbling around your chest. You thank Alaska a million times before you both agree she needs a name.


Bianca Del Rio: Chihuahua.
You already adore Bianca's chihuahuas, but you can't lie, you're a little jealous. They always flock straight to her because, after all, she is their mother. They aren't aggressive towards you in any way, but you do wish you had your own little dog for yourself. You've been planning on doing it for a while but never told Bianca, so when she's away on tour and you're feeling a little impulsive, you hop in the car and drive to the shelter in search of a chihuahua puppy. When you get there, you're disappointed to find they don't have puppies of any breed young enough. You contemplate leaving before turning around and seeing a fully grown but tiny and heart-meltingly adorable chihuahua jumping excitedly as she looks straight at you. Without a second thought, you sign her papers and take off with your new baby strapped in the passenger seat, ready to facetime Bianca with the surprise.


Courtney Act: Siamese kitten.
Every time you bring it up, Courtney doesn't seem to care much for a new pet. She isn't really for or against the idea, and it's a little discouraging to you that she isn't quite as interested as you are. So when you decide to take control of the situation and make up your own mind, she doesn't really see it coming. She just comes home one day to find a litter box by the door and you curled up on the couch, letting a tiny kitten nibble at your fingers.
      "Oh," she says, not terribly surprised. "So I guess this is a thing now?"
You nod happily and pick up the kitten in your hand as she steps over to the couch. You watch as her heart melts when you hand her your little child. You smile, knowing she'll learn to love the cat as much as you do.


Jinkx Monsoon: Cockatiel.
You think it's a lame idea at first. Nobody really gets birds, they get cats and dogs and hamsters. You suggest that if the two of you can't handle a puppy or a kitten at the moment, maybe you can try out a guinea pig or a rabbit, but she doesn't really indulge in that idea. You return from the grocery store one day and without even stepping into the living room, you know something's happened. You hear a small tapping before a loud tweet and you sigh, rolling your eyes. As you put the bags on your kitchen counter and start putting away food, Jinkx walks back downstairs to meet you.
     "I thought we already talked about this," you say, exasperated. Jinkx has walked past you and into the living room, when you turn around, she's leaned over the kitchen counter, the small bird in her hand. it makes a twittering noise and tilts its small head at you.
"Just give him a chance, he's sweet!" You raise an eyebrow and she holds the bird out to you. You wearily pet his head, afraid he may bite you. However, he shuts his eyes contently, enjoying your presence, and makes a clicking noise with his tongue. Jinkx extends her hand further, urging you to hold him. Tentatively, you take him and hold him in your arms like a baby. You hate to admit it, but he's pretty damn cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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