Petty Arguments//Getting On Each Other's Nerves

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Adore Delano: She asks you to order Chinese food. You mishear what she wants and order her a side of egg drop soup instead of wonton.

"Jesus Christ, Adore. If it's such a big deal, why didn't you order it yourself?"

"I was in the bathroom! You just expect me to order while I'm taking a shit?"

"Fine. You can have my god damn soup, then. Happy?"


Alaska Thunderfuck: She's always making fun of you for being so much shorter than her. It doesn't necessarily make you insecure because you think you're pretty average height, but it gets frustrating at times. She'll tease you and ask if you need Lasky's help reaching that high up shelf, baby?

"Oh my god, shut up,"

Alaska mocks you with a cat-like yowl. She giggles when you make a show of rolling your eyes, storming out of the kitchen.


Bianca Del Rio: "Bianca seriously? In front of my family?"

She shrugs. "They thought it was funny."

She had spent all of dinner making jokes about you and telling your most embarrassing stories to your parents. You were positive your face was still flushed a hot shade of pink when you hugged them goodbye.

"You have got to stop publicly roasting me like that."


Courtney Act: She has a lovely voice, you'll give her that. But there are days when it drives you completely nuts.

"Courtney," you mumble. She's belting out Barbra Streisand songs during your road trip to keep herself occupied and doesn't hear you. You reach to shut off the stereo and she immediately turns it back on, continuing her shrill note.

"Courtney!" you whine. "You're giving me a migraine, shit!"


Jinkx Monsoon: Jinkx hates it when you have your phone out on dates. Not even just the fancy dinner dates, either. Even when you're at the mall together having pizza from the food court, it irks her.

"Stop ignoring me," she whines.

"I am not ignoring you," you snicker. "I'm just texting my sister."

"Ignoring me," she repeats in a sing-song voice. You scoff.

"Jinkx, you didn't even say anything." She shrugs.

Needy, needy, needy.


Katya Zamolodchikova: "Katya, that's enough."

She ignores you, continuing her tribal dance throughout the kitchen. She's in nothing but a pair of your favorite underwear, oven mitts, and wig you've never seen before.

"Why do you do this," you ask flatly, moving to the cabinet to get breakfast.

"My new wig came in, do you like it?" She takes the cereal box from your hand, pouring some into her mouth and letting even more spill on the ground.

You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. "You're cleaning that, crackhead."


Naomi Smalls: "Oh my fucking god!"

Your eyes flutter open and you can see the hall light creeping in through your open bedroom door. Naomi stands in the doorway, bent over and gripping her foot.

"Stop leaving your shoes in front of the door!" she hisses, kicking them away before sitting on the edge of your bed.

"You take all the closet space," you state, shrugging. "Where else am I supposed to put them?"

"Um, how about the trash?" she chuckles.

"Ha. Only in your dreams, bitch."


Sharon Needles: "Get that satanic ass thing out of my house," you demand, glaring at the board in her hand.

"Oh, come on, it's October! We can--"

"Hell no, Sharon! I am not about to talk to your little demon buddies. Not in my house."

"What, are you, chicken?" she teases, making clucking noises. You get up and take the ouija board from where she's sitting. "Hey! Come back!"

"You wanna use this? Use it in your own damn house," you growl, storming out to her car.


Violet Chachki: "You're going to suffocate yourself at some point," you say flatly, glancing at her corseted waist.

She chuckles. "You're overreacting. You're just jealous you don't have proportions this sickening."

You think her statement through hesitantly.

"Did you just call me fat, bitch?"


Willam Belli: "I c-can't...breathe," you manage to wheeze, making Willam chuckle. "Not...funny."

You're laying on the bed, your chest pinned beneath Warner's weight. He pants innocently, letting a sticky thread of drool drip down onto your face.

You gag, disgusted, and try to wiggle away before he licks your cheek, making you groan. Willam laughs as she videos the whole thing.

"I hate you," you hiss. "You have got to stop letting him on the bed."

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