xxxxii | h e r e , r e m e m b e r

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here, remember

you can never leave this 

town behind

there is history on these streets

this is where the little boys 

rode their scooters and skates

and raced around the neighborhood,

screaming and hair flying

be gone with the wind. 

you can leave this place behind

with its monotony and black and white

tv scenes but you can't leave your dna 

that brings you back to home

this place has become your home. 

one day you'll have to put it in the past

and you'll have to carry it with your


no matter how cold your heart has become,

no matter how far you walk from here,

no matter how much you change,

this ugly pretty town will be waiting for you

home is ambiguous

remember this sidewalk when you

were still an elementary child and 

you would latch your small hand into

mother's or father's and they'd 

swing you down the hill

remember this hill where you raced 

down when the rain had not ended 

and the mud was thick?

this is the corner you fell because

you took a sharp turn on your scooter.

you still have the scar on your chin.

it will never fade

like how this town will take a piece of you

like how you will take a piece of the town

remember that sidewalk

remember tossing snails to the side 

to prevent a human from crushing them

remember praying for each dead snail

remember that snails leave the ugly

slime behind

remember that like snails, leave the past


but you will never leave it behind

watercolor thoughts [completed]Where stories live. Discover now