♤Chapter 1 ♤

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"For this project, you'll have to work in pairs. Three months to complete it. For the best piece of work there will be a surprise, so don't let me down. I'm looking for detailed information, creativity, originality, imagination and something out of the box. I hope everyone understood. You'll be showing your videos about odd behaviours caused my mental illnesses just after Christmas holidays." Mrs Wingfield announced.

To be honest..I'm really looking forward to doing this project. I guess I'm just really into psychology.

The information part will be easy, however, making a video about it knowing that it has to be different and outstanding piece of art doesn't sound very easy at all.

"Antonia Lloyd with Mark Jones"
Mrs Wingfield's voice echoed through my ears. I was only waiting for mine to be called. I hope I'll get a good partner.

"..Debbie Gallagher with...Mia Tenebris" I heard my name. So I'm with Debbie. I don't know her but I'll have a chance to get to know her then.

Loud bell filled the empty halls and everyone started to pack their stuff to go home. I was just starting to stand up when Debbie came over.

"My house. 5 pm. Don't be late. I'll text you the address." Wow. Okay, well someone's bossy. I rolled my eyes and walked outside. I saw Debbie walking off with some boy that caught my attention. He had this weird vibe that intrigued me somehow.


"Mum!" I shouted when I came through the door. My mum works a lot to keep this huge house. I mean we don't need it anymore, it's too big for only two of us. My dad.. who the hell knows where he is. I don't want to remember him anyways.
With only my mum working a nurse mainly night shifts, we're not able to save money for the future. We're struggling..but my mum never wants to admit it. She always manages to keep everything together. Sometimes I wonder how the hell she just doesn't break down.

"Hello sweetheart, how was school?"My mum peeked from the kitchen.
"Fine, I'm going to my friend's house for the project later is that okay?" I asked my mum. We have a really close relationship. She's amazing, she can find hope when everything is falling down. I love her.
"Sure" she said with a bright smile.
"I like that you're hanging out with new people, you know, making friends" with that she left.


Okay. This neighborhood is not even near similar like mines. But I like it. It's not boring like mine. Interesting.

I found the house, it looked warm you know, family warm. I knocked at the door and waited for someone to answer it.
The doors opened and I saw a teenage boy around my age maybe a little older, he had dirty blonde hair, amazing eyes and a really nice smile.
"How can I help you?" He said.
"Is Debbie.. home? We am..kind of agreed to meet here for the...amh..our project" I said shyly.
"Yeah Yeah come in. Debbs come down there's a pretty lady looking for ya! I'm Lip by the way, the oldest brother" Lip said introducing himself and making me blush.
"I'm Mia, nice to meet you" I said with a warm smile.
"Awhh is that Debbie's new friend? I'm Fiona her older sister, that red head is Ian, then there's Liam the youngest brother, you've already met Lip and there's Carl but he's not home yet but he should come back soon." Fiona said introducing everyone.
" Nice to meet you all" I said and they replied with "You too", then Debbie came and took me to her room.

When we came to her room, Debbie took her laptop and didn't even said a word. Well this is awkward.

"Are you doing the research part?" I carefully asked.
"What? Just shut up okay" Her rude response threw me off.
"Then why the Fuck did I come here in the first place? I'll just ask Mrs Wingfield for a new partner if you're not in the mood to work" I said looking at her and getting ready to leave.
"Just give me a minute I need to finish something and then we can talk about the project, okay? Calm down jezz" Debbie said sounding annoyed.

(Play it when you read the rest)

"I need to go to the bathroom" I quickly said and went to look for a bathroom. I didn't need to go, I just needed to calm down my nerves a bit.
I walked down the corridor and I saw a door that had signs like 'Keep Out' and 'Danger', which made me laugh to be honest. Because it screams - teenage boy hitting puberty room. Do you know what I mean?
So I was standing in front of those doors and wondering should I see what's in there. Should I opened them? Maybe no I don't want get in any trouble..
But I can't! I just need to look for 1 second and that's it.
I took a deep breath, slowly placing my hand on the door knob and slightly turning it. The weird thing was that if he didn't want anybody to go into his room, why didn't he lock it..
I opened the door and stepped few more steps into the room.
Oh my God.

I was speechless.

Room walls were covered in drawings and paintings. But not just any simple ones.

It was young girls being tied up naked and drawings of having sex and being spanked and crying and killing and torturing people...
It really freaked me out. What kind of psychopath lives here?
I came closer to one of the drawings that looked like a shadow maybe? In the drawing you were able to see that the girl was sleeping but there was this man figure in the shadows hiding and watching her sleep. The crazy thing was that the room in the picture looked familiar. Don't know how.

"Get out now" Raspy voice said, that sent chills down my spine.


Hello everyone, I know you might think that it's a regular story but it's not. I have this weird twisted story plot in my head that I think you'll like it. So give it a shot it gets better, it's just an introduction how it all starts basically.
So If you want more let me know down in the comments ! Thank you ❤❤❤

♤Psychopath♤ ●Carl Gallagher●Where stories live. Discover now