Chapter Four

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          ~ STEPHANIE POV ~

         So like after seeing the friend request i decided to log out shut down my laptop. And also I needed to go to the kitchen. I'm hungry ok.

      So I look inside the refrigerator and there was absolutely NOTHING.

What the HELL!!!

        Where is the food when you mostly need it. Jesus Christ please let me find food. Please.

         And with that I turn yo be facing the counter. And in the counter there was a freaking letter right there facing my fucking eyes.


         Dear Stephanie,

             Honey I am so sorry there is no food. I didn't have time to buy and if you need food go to my room and there you will find money. Ok hun anyways I beg you and your brother to take care of the money ok.


                Your amazing lovely mom

Ughhh her and her little adorable words HEHE. Note the sarcasm.

Anyways I decided to get water instead but once I open the cabinet door    ALELUYA ALELUYA I think that's how u sing it. Whatever but right there in front of me was heaven. I don't know about you guys but I found junk I mean food to eat.

Hours later

                  So after eating my heaven food hehe I decided to get some rest. I went to my room and I made sure to lock the door. After that my room was getting hot so I opened the window. I left my window opened so the fresh air could come in and you know refresh my room.

         I started to feel really sleepy next thing you know I am fast asleep. But what I didn't expect was to be dreaming I mean having a Nightmare. Yes it was about yes the fucking fat ass. That sexy I mean ugly asshole.  It was me and Hunter yup the asshole and me having a good time. Like are you even kidding me that pretty face will never ever in a millions years get along with me. But OMG in this nightmare dream whatever it is Hu-hunter kiss me. Like he literally kiss me. The fucking exchanging breaths, feeling our tongues dancing in our mouths, and What the hell. The worst part is it didn't matter if it was a dream I mean nightmare I fucking still enjoy having that dream of me and hunter kissing. Like are you kidding me right now even in my dreams he comes and bothers me. Ughh. But the thing is that I didn't feel I was alone in my room.  Because I felt this extra weight over come my bed. Clearly that scare the the SHIT out of me. Next thing you know I open my eyes and "WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I half yelled and falling of the bed.

author note : so hey guys im sorry for short chapter it was longer but you know how it got erase this is all I got sorry and im also working on another story called KIDNAPPED read if you want to and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow thanks and once again sorry. Make sure to listen to the song ok

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