Chapter One

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            ~ STEPHANIE'S POV ~

            "Stephanie hurry up you don't want be to be late."My mother said. "I'm coming mom." I hurry up and put on my black converse and do my hair into a pony tail. I had already taken a shower and yeah every necessary things to do in the morning. I already had on my white tank top with an Autumn Cashmere black cotton pointelle. I grab my bag and keys.

           I was mid-hallway when I remember that I almost forgot my phone. "SH*T where the HELL is my phone." I finally found my phone under my pillow. I look at the time and saw that I was going to be late and have my mother be pissed at me. "DAMM IT" I might be getting another FAMOUS lecture from my mother and I can't bare with. "OH HELLS NO"

           I rapidly got out of my bedroom and ran down the stairs. Just in time to hear my mother say "STEPHANIE!" my mom said or should I say YELL. Oh no I am in a serious load of trouble. Oh whatever. "Yes mommy" I responded with my most girly sweetish accent hoping to lighten the mood. "Get in the car NOOW!" oh wells I guess my girly sweetish accent didn't work but, Damm my mother is pissed. I feel like cracking up so badly. She looks mad hilarious with her face like that. But nahh man I don't want to get her even more piss then she is now because the only thing she is going to earn is me cracking up even more. But still she don't need to get all WEREWOLF action LIKE sheesh calm down Woman. WE DROVE IN SILENCE. Sounds boring right well it was but is was so Awkward.

          This is actually my first day at this school so I barely know anyone. So technically that means I don't got friends. We decided to move around here since the house was big enough for the 3 of us. Me, my mom and if you are thinking that my father was the third person well you are wrong. UGH that bastard sorry I meant to say my father-Carlos  had abandoned my mother-Katherine when my mom was pregnant with me. Like what the HELL if he wasn't going to take the fuck care of me and just leave like that then why waste time and create an innocent well I take that back create a baby (me) and just act like nothing ever happen. Like dead ass men these days have to grow some balls. Like I hate people like him. I wish people like him were never even born. So technically my father is an asshole. UGH I hate calling him FATHER like he doesn't even deserve for anyone to call him FATHER. Like dead ass he didn't even take care of me. I am only 17 YEARS OLD. Like this whole time he hasn't done anything for me.  Which means I haven't heard, meet or felt what it is having a father for 17 YEARS. It also means that I am a senior at this school. Oh snap I almost forgot the third person is my OLDER brother. AND no keeps your eyes away from him he is MINE hehe. He is 19 which  means he don't remember Sh*t of my FATHER. Ugh what an asshole.


            "Stephanie earth to Stephanie" my mom was waving her hand in front of my face. "HUH WHAT?" I asked very confuse to what was happening around me. DID SOMEONE DIE? HEHE just kidding. But still VERY CONFUSE. "Hey Stephanie you alright you look kind of..... You look like you going to kill someone in any minute what am I saying I mean in any second." My mom told me. Did I actually look like I was going to kill someone. Ohh that bastard the things he makes my pretty face do.(LOL) "OH NO mom its ok I mean I'm ok. Oh and why we stop?" I asked realizing my mom had stop driving and adding to my confusion to why she stop. "Oh darling we are here to our destination SCHOOL remember" My mom said in duhh tone. "Oh HAHA right"

             What the HELL since when we arrived so fast DAMN maybe I was really into thinking about that BASTARD ughh!!

 "Thanks mom LOve you"                     "Love you too honey"                                                        "Oh mom will I see you tonight"                                                                                                        "I'm afraid not I'm going to a business trip so I will see you in a week OK"                                     "Oh OK MOM"                                                                                                                                    "OK now get inside school you don't want to be late in your first day and PLEASE don't give me problems. And same with your Brother."

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