:More Than A Memory: You two know each other?

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 Chapter Five:

“Em, Kirsten?” I looked up to a worried Andrea, and I suddenly returned to reality.

“Yeah?” My voice came out nervous. I was supposed to be confident, damn it!

“So, will you do it?” The blond girl asked dumbly. I sighed, before replying to her.

“Sorry girl, we’re just partners. I can’t ask him this.” I simply stated, with a cold tone.


“Stop begging Sara! She said that she can’t do it.” Andrea commanded, making me thank her mentally. Sara pouted, but then went out from the changing room. No one dared say no to Andrea.

I looked up to see the three girls looking at me with a mischievous look.

“What? That girl’s annoying,” I stated, walking out from the changing room.

“You totally have a crush on him!” Carol giggled, and I pinched her arm.

“No, I don’t!” I snapped, my foot on the floor, getting away from them. They all giggled.

“She totally has!”

‘I did not have a fucking crush on that fucking guy! I just cared about him as a friend, yes that’s it.’

‘You’re such a stupid girl, you know?’

‘Yeah, whatever.’

The rest of the students soon joined the gym, and we made a circle around the gym’s teacher, Mrs. Simpson. She was one hell of a teacher, and damn it, how much she loved sports!

“Alright class, let’s go to the stadium, so you have much space.” She clapped her hands together, and we all followed behind.

“This doesn’t sound good,” Andrea said.

“I know,” I replied.

When Mrs. Simpson said the stadium, then this would mean one thing: It’s gonna hurt. You may be wondering why that is. So, let me enlighten you. She would make us run for a good thirty minutes, and then do all kind of workouts. Oh, and let’s not forget the suicides. Damn it, I’m tired already! We wouldn’t play anything, we would just keep on running and practising.

Damn teacher, we are not football players!

After a one hour of torture, we were finally out of the stadium. Thank goodness!

“Can you imagine that I have Tennis practise in like one hour?” Nicole stated, as we got out from the school’s building. I was already dressed up in my formal uniform, but I smelled like a dirty cow. Seriously.

“Oh my god, that’s like torture!” Carol left a long breath go, as we headed to the parking lot.

“Yeah, right?” Nicole was a sporty girl, and she played tennis. She was a really good player, and was actually one of the best players in town, and she wanted to get a scholarship to some great university of sports. However, she didn’t play with the school, since there wasn’t a team actually. She joined a Tennis club, not far away from her neighbourhood.

“Oh, by the way, I can’t come to the date with you Carol, I’m really sorry, but I need to stay with my little sister since mom is gonna be with Dad all night.” Andrea gave Carol an apologetic smile. Andrea was having a real hard time with her father’s sickness. All her family was suffering, and her little sister was only twelve, so they wouldn’t let her alone i the house.  

“Damn it Andy, my parents wouldn’t let me go!”

“But, it’s Friday!” Nicole chuckled.

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