Chapter 13

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My authors notes are up here also now!

So sorry I have been over stressed with school and havent been able to like even touch the internet!

I am also thinking about either making a sequel to this when it's done, well none of you would read it probably so i might just cut this one short and quit wattpad!



Chapter 13

(Scott's POV)

Myka. She was the only think on my mind all the time. I miss her like crazy. I can't catch her scent or anything! And Stiles? He's been moping around. He's definitely not the same kid anymore. All he does is try and find a way to find Myka. Even though Derek & I keep trying and it's no use.


I foung my mom and looked at the bag of food I had for her and then reailzed, what she doesn't know won't kill her right? She looks stressed enough, the Myka thing will only make things worse.

"Oh, thank God. I'm starving." I chuckled at my mom as i handed her the food, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner."

She looked drained out, sometimes- well all the time I feel terrible for her, "Is everything okay?"

"Except for half the accident victims in a ten car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown, and the E.R. attending not answering any of his pages, yeah, I'm okay."

I had a sickening thought, "Uh mom, What does not answering pages mean?"

"It means that nobody can find her, so now we have to wait for the on call to get here."

"Miss." I looked at the suffering women then at my arm.


"Excuse me, can I kind of please have something for the pain?"

Okay, I'm sorry. I know. But, actually, giving you something could complicate things, so we really just need to wait for the doctors."

I walked over to her as she was withering in pain in her chair, "Uh, you know, I think that I read online that sometimes human contact can help with pain." She wairely glanced at me as i placed my hand onto hers. A rush of pain went through me but she looked relieved.

"Someone Someone help me! Oh, I need help" I shot out of my chair at the sound of Ethans voice. He had Danny.

My mom rushed over to the scene as well, "Okay, gentle, gentle, gentle!"

I yanked Ethan by the arm, "What did you do to him?" I practically yelled.

"Nothing! He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing, but it it just kept getting worse!" His eyes were full of concern and anger.

"This is not good. How much longer on Dr. Hilyard? His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax." My moms voice echoed in my ear.

Danny violently puked and i stared at the contents, "Mistletoe."


We rushed to my moms side as she brought Danny into a waiting room.

Ethan was so terrified, "Where are the nurses and the doctors? Where is everyone?"

"It's a full house tonight. They're tending to other patients."

"Okay, well, mom, how can we help?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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