Chapter 34: Getting Ready

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After We finshed the movie we just sat there quiet i dont know why but i liked it "Um What do we do now" Sasha said akwardly Me and Justin Laughed "Here Its almost bed time so get ready" Justin said holding her on his lap "But im hwungry" Sasha said "Um want Mash Potatoes" I asked "No I want a Chicken Sanwhich Pwlease mommy" she said "Yea baby girl just here watch dora" I said "Mom im 3 I dont Watch dora baby stuff anymore" Sasha said all sassy "Uh ok How about Sponge Bob" I laughed "Yes" she said I made her half a Chicken Sanwhich and she ate it all "Ok Now Daddy Is going to Take you to Grandma Pattie's House Ok" I said She nodded "Alright Lets Go Sash" Justin said "You coming" Justin asked me "Nah" I said "Why Not" He said "Just Because I need to Call Angelica see hows she doing Start firguring out a good school for Sasha Buy Plain Tickets To New York For Our Family Vacation And Relax" I spoke taking in a deep breath "Well...... Ok I Guess See You In a few" He spoke kissing my lips I went upstairs toke a shower Changed in A I Love NYC Shirt And some Shorts Then i went into my Office I went in Put My phone line On turned my Macbook pro on and started working The Phone rang

(A-Agency N-Natalie)

A: Hello May I speak to Mrs.Ramirez

N: This is She

A: Hi I was trying to call you because as you know Kris Jenner is a Manager and she would like to start you a modeling career

N: Oh well ill get back to you on it If anything who am i speaking to

A: Khole Kardashian

N: Thanks Bye bye

Wow Kris Jenner wants me to model for her Well first i need to ask scooter so ill call him (S-Scooter N-Natalie)

S: Hello?

N: Hey Scooter its Natalie Well look the Kardashian Agency just called me saying Kris Jenner Would like to Manage Me For My Modeling Career im intrested Of Course i want to but how about you

S: Look do it because its only Modeling So take the offer

N: Thanks Scooter

For once in for all peace no noise or phone calls I got to To buy nyc tickets so i found Correct ones And Bought them Now im Looking for schools and looking calling looking calling looking on and on and on Until i found one that said California Celebrity Elmentry School I click and called i book sasha for Next School Year Starting Pre-K Now i need to call Angelica (A-Angelica N-Natalie)


N: Waz up

A: Watching how i met your mother

N: Nice so how do you feel

A: Way better my face is clearing up

N: But still You cant come out

A: Not really

N: wow

A: Yaah im like so sleepy

N: Take a nap

A: K Here well ima let you go

N: K Beautiful Bye

Now finally i could relax so me myself i decieded to take a nap (2 Hours Later) I woke up next To Justin Watching Fashion Police "Evening Hun" Justin said I Smiled Tonight he wanted to take me out Before 11:11 Just to make a wish together But i promised Willy Since its his birthday I was going to go dinning with them His Girl Friend And Jazmyn and a celebrity is coming "Tonights Gonna Be Magical" Justin Spoke Smiling "How come?" I asked "Huh No Reason" Justin chuckled nervously "Okay" i laughed it away i put on the new dress that i Bought (the red one) I put it on with some red lipstick Black thick eyeliner smokey Eye Pink Blush With the new shoes And I put a necklace Gold Braclets And some gold earrings with my Hair straight down I Gave Justin A Kiss "Meet me At The Park" He said "I Will At 10:00 Right?" I spoke "Yeap Perf See You Then Bye Sweetie Take care" He said then Gave me a Peck It was 7:57 I had about 10 to 20 minutes to get there <At Dinner> it is 8:35 The Celebrity is Supposably Just Got here Then I see Drake With Miley Cyrus Whhaaaaaa i get up "Waz Up Drake, Miley Nigga Where You been" I said getting up Saying hi

- Next On By November 9
Special Chapter That Day
Get Prepared When Justin Makes his Big Move and what will Natalie Say?
Find out next week

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