Chapter 24: Surprise

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My baby boy My Nephew I haven't seen him in years My Noel "NOEELLLLLLL" You yelled you huged him and squeezed him awwgg i missed him so much finally i put him down "Heyy Lil Monkey How are you" You said "Gwood n you" He said in his cute baby voice "good Wheres Your Mommy" You said looking for her "Outswide" He said "Call her for my baby boy" You said and went up to Justin and gave him the most passnoite kiss ever and then pulled back "She swaid she is cwomin" He said i gave him a thumbs up "So How long are you staying in California" You said him even though he didnt know "We are going on a bus wit you dats wat mommy said" He said "You guys are FREAKING GOING ON TOUR WITH US" You yelled "What is a tour" Noel asked "A tour is where justin goes around to world to do concerts and concerts-" he cut me off "I know what concerts are im not dwumb" He said crossing his arms just then Melissa my Sister popped out "Melisssaaaaaaa "You yelled and hugged her tight "Wheres Carol"You said "He couldnt make it for the tour sadly" She said "This freakin lil monkey is hugee'' You said "I know he is freakin 4 years old" She said "Soo humba lemme let you get settled pick a room" You said "Dont call me humba" She said "Whatever you say humba " You said "So why didnt you guys come to the family reuinon Last Saturday" You asked thats when you told everybody you were pregs "Becwuase Mommy was Working" He said "Well guess what Im haveing A Baby Your going to have your First Lil Cousin" You said "Aww can i feel your belly plwease" He said "Yes of course" You said he started rubbing my belly aww this was to cuteee I told Justin to take a Picture he it came out real cute "Oh and thats not the only surprise We are Going to see Beyonce Tonight" Justin said "YAYYYYY" noel screamed "Awww" you said "Beyonces Hot" He said "Thats so cute" You said

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