Chapter 28

38K 42 16


Tuesday 20 December

OK, that’s enough of feeling sorry for myself, and trying to hide away in ice cream sundaes. All right everybody, I messed up with the Transition Project and I need to apologize to Ali and Siobhan. But it’s not like I deliberately set fire to the school or started torturing Bengal kittens, I can make this right. It’s time for the official launch of Operation Make Amends. And I already have a genius idea for what to buy Siobhan to make up.

Operation Make Amends. Day 1.

The Apology.

8:44 a.m.

Had to run down the street like mad to catch up with Ali and Siobhan, just so I could apologize to them. How undignified is that? I can only hope that the overall standard of my apology was not affected by my sweaty face and out-of-breathness. I apologized as soon as I caught up, but they wouldn’t accept it. Siobhan shouted at me, said I’d lied to her and let her down and embarrassed her. Ali walked away with her and they didn’t look back. Guess who did see them walking away from me. Only Eavanne and Sorcha. Of all the people in the world, why did they have to be there?Argghhhhh.

9:01 a.m.

Wrote Ali a text. I wrote it out here first to make sure it was OK: Ali. If only I could do magic as well as you, I’d make what happened on Friday disappear, and pull a Grade ‘A’ out of the hat for you. Ais xx. Perfect.


Sent text to Ali.


Wrote Siobhan a text: S. I’m sorry I lied about where I was. I thought I had time 2 do both, I thought I could pls every1 but I ended up pleasing nobody. I know this isn’t how u would do things, and that’s why u don’t get in such a mess. Pls b my friend. Ais.

But I couldn’t send that one. It was too long and I know she’s going to be too angry to read it properly. What am I going to do? I really miss her as a friend. She’s kind of quirky and different but I’ve got used to her ways and I guess I’d started to think of her as a good friend.


Operation Make Amends.

Aunty Stell.

Well, that was all just a little bit too close for comfort. Stell and Conor were slumming it round ours for dinner tonight. Aunty Stell kept asking me these really pointy questions, all about the party business. I tried not to say anything but she kept on. I was sure Mum was going to crack on. And she was asking about the deposit money. I haven’t even heard from Murphy. There’s just no one to talk to about all this. Gotta run, got to help Granny Nora clean up.


Granny Nora says I should be out having fun and being young. Fun? Young? Oh yeah? Because it sure doesn’t feel like it. I feel about a hundred and twenty years old and that fun is very unlikely to happen to me ever again. Maybe I should start looking around on the internet for that dancing nunnery.


I’ve been looking at all the pictures online of all the championships I took part in back in Boston. I look so different in my green velvet dress – I loved that dress. I look all shiny and happy. No surprise there, that’s because I didn’t know that my whole life was about to go totally mental.


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