Chapter 25

38.5K 42 19

Friday 9 December (continued)

4:55 p.m.

Well. That’s that.

Edited highlights include: 

1. Siobhan offering the bouncy castle man her XtraVision card as collateral followed by Bouncy Castle Man getting back in his van and driving away.

2. Aunty Stell going all red in the face and sacking Parties-to-Go.

3. Siobhan getting stuck and having to wriggle out in front of the whole party after the sawing-in-half trick didn’t work.

4. Me running after Siobhan and Ali while they practically refused to say anything to me.

5. Ali’s Dad finding out our project was not at the hospital like he thought it was. I thought he was gonna burst a blood vessel when he saw Ali in his moustache and red satin cape.

I guess you could say the magic of Parties-to-Go is over.What’s for sure is my friendship with Ali and Siobhan is definitely over.

Murphy won his competition. He gets to dance with Ace FX. At least somebody’s happy. I guess. I feel pretty weird about that though, like an Easter egg with nothing inside.

5:23 p.m.

GULP. What are Mum and Aunty Stell going to say?

How did I make such a terrible mess of things? I wish I could go back and change things. Not hand over the money or stop Dec from dropping the camera or arrive at the party to help Siobhan and Ali and not walk out of Irish Dance class, not do any of it, and then maybe things would be OK.

7:00 p.m.

I’ve been lying on my bed trying to work out how everything went wrong, but I can’t – everything’s so confused, and I can’t talk to anyone.


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