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It was the day for the trip. Sasuke had forgiven me and it was all in the past.

And i was hiding in tazunas bag. He said he wasn't going on the trip without me cause he knows how strong i am and i know who would be after him.

I hid my scent, chakra, heart beat, and breathing.

I fell asleep.

Soon i was dumped on the floor.

"Oof! Bunny hurt!" I jumped up and saw the demon brother gozu and meizu.

I had a run in with them and i wasn't strong when i visited in the mist.

"Hahah if it isn't the little bunny. Are you gonna hop away like last time?" Gozu asked as he swung his sword down at naruto.

I teleported and blocked his claws with nuibari then pushed him away.

Nuibari is kushimaru senseis sword. He's one of the seven swoardsmen. They each trained me and let me choose which sword i wanted and i liked kushi senseis.

It looks like a giant sewing needle it even has wire to sew your opponents together.

I haven't used my guns in a long time.

I call them jashin and jr. When i shoot you, the bullet has the jashin symbol so it's easier to sacrifice them.

I pulled out jashin and shot gozu in the leg.

"Ow! That hurt! Your gonna regret that!" He charged at me and swung his claws i stopped him with chakra strings.

Komushi sensei taught me this technique. Him and sasori were friends till he died.

My skin changed to the black and white sacrificial colors like hidans.

Then i slammed him on the ground.

I shot the floor where i was standing on. Making a jashin symbol appear on the ground.

See i don't need blood were connected by my bullets.

I stabbed nuibari through my heart earning a couple of screams and gasps as gozu layed still blood seeping out of him.

I quickly put jashin and nuibari back under my bunny outfit.

Kakashi had meizu in a headlock.

"Bunny says hi!" I jumped over to tazuna.

"Tell bunny family" i told him trying to get the blood off my clothes and sewing it up.

"What just happened!?" Naruto screamed.

"What did you do bunny?" Sakura whispered fear in her eyes.

"What are you doing here bunny!? Ugh! We'll talk after tazuna says something" dad tapped his foot.

While they were all talking i took the poison out of my hand and healed the wound.

"How did you do that bunny?" Sasuke asked as they all surrounded me after getting the info out of tazuna.

"Bunny fight" i replied in a duh voice.

"We didn't know you could fight believe it" naruto shouted.

"Oh.....well now bunny family know!" I smiled.

"What was that back there?" Sakura whispered.

"Bunny jashinist" i giggled.

"What is that?" Sasuke asked.

"Let's leave, questions for later, right now we need to be on more alert and get tazuna home safely" kakashi shooed us forward.

"Bunny sorry bunny want to be with daddy on bunny family team" i cried as he picked me up.

"It's ok bunny i know you can take care of yourself but what about the hokage he doesn't know where you are".

I jumped out of his arms"daddy right bunny bye" then i teleported to the hokages office.

If your wondering how i teleport every where it's because minato sensei and tobimaru sensei taught me the flying thunder technique.

"Hello bunny where were you?" He taped the desk.

"Uh well bunny was on mini mission and bunny just wanted to let bunny grandpa know that bunny will be gone for awhile" then i teleported back to kakashi only to find us in a water sphere.

They must already be fighting zabuza.

"BUNNY!?" Kakashi gurgled making sure no one notices me.

Why doesn't he just stab zabuzas hand? I mean it's in the water prison with him and if he moves his hand then the prison breaks.

Oh well gotta show off.

I waved. Lightning oppression horizontal chop i said in my head.

A sensei taught me. My hand covered in lightning can chop through susano ribs.

I split the water prison and teleported to sakura.

"Ah! Bunny! And sensei!" Sakura kneeled down but i pushed her up and helped dad up.

Naruto and sasuke had just thrown the shadow shrunken oh well.

"Dad go whoop zabu nees butt!" But i won't let him die.

Him and zabuza got in a fight i teleported to haku nii.

"Bunny nii sans" i jumped on him.

"Hey bunny onee chan, sorry i gotta help zabuza talk later okay?" He dashed off.

I teleported by dad and caught him before he fell.

"Tazuna bunny go see nii san".

"Yeah sure" everyone grabbed ahold of me as i teleported us to his house.

Ok so i don't know about this chapter it seems a little to fast going and has no detail, so I'll make the next chapter better. Hopefully. Ok so 842 words.

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