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Well i feel like introducing myself.

I am bunny ginji i currently turned five years old and an obsessed naruto fan.

I have been able to read since i was three.

I have re-read all the books a million times and watched the show plus of course shippuden too.

I became interested in jashin the first time i read the books and have worshipped him ever since.

I can see the dead. I think it was because one time i was hit by a car when i was four and died for two minutes then cane back to life and now i see dead people.

The good ones are really helpful like Abraham Lincoln and Elvis Presley.

The dead teach me all i need to know and i send all the bad dead people away to jashin.

Since he can't force the souls to come to him and that's what he eats so he asked me to send them to him so he can eat and i did so now i am a jashinist granted with immortality.

I can't meet dead people not of this world like minato or kushina.

My parents don't really care what i do and are always busy trying to find jobs.

I have twelve other siblings and well my parents don't even know our names.

But me and josh our eldest brother who is twenty two, are really close and he's a leader of a gang.

So josh helps me wherever i need anything. He's the best.

He even gave me some guns and knives and he of course showed me how to use them.

Oh and i look and wear what is in the picture.

Oh and i look and wear what is in the picture

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I am currently in bed praying to lord jashin.

Jashin: hello bunny i have decided i want you to go to my world since you are my favorite follower i want you in my world. You leave in an hour.

Hayome: thank you so much my lord bunny will prepare right now.

I squealed and jumped off the bed pulling on my bunny outfit and making sure my weapons were all hidden.

I ran to joshs room.

"Josh pst!" I whispered.

"What is it bunny?" He said and sat up putting me on his lap.

"Bunny will be leaving in ten minutes. Bunny just wanted to say goodbye" i kissed his cheek.

"Why are you leaving!?" He yelled.

"Jashin told bunny to leave" i mumbled.

"I see.......well I'll miss you" he said and kissed my forehead.

See my big bro is cool. He doesn't believe in jashin but be respects my decision even if he knows it'll kill me be would let me go cause he knows nothing changes my mind.

I jumped off his lap and went to my bed falling asleep.

Okay so if ya have read MY other book you'll probably see its a jashinist one to. Well i love jashinist. Ok so 494 words.

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