Sexual Assault

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I don't know any statistics for this but I do have to say, when you get sexually assaulted at a party, the person usually goes around telling people that they "tapped" that. When you report it to the school, they don't believe you, because of the rumors flying around. I have read a few magazine articles, where the parents of these kids end up suing the school because of the blame being placed on their child, when their child is the victim.

Sexual assault isn't a joke. Some of you need to get with the program! Sexual assault happens everywhere, most girls and boys are afraid to report because they are afraid of the abuser, they are afraid that they may be hurt if they say something, they are afraid of being sexually assaulted again.

Please don't stay quiet if you have been assaulted because keeping things bottled up can make things worse for you, it can cause depression, learning disabilities, suicide, etc. My point is, it's not good to keep it to yourself.

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