Cyber Relationships and Bullying

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Relationship rules offline also apply when you are online. It's important to always let an adult know who you are meeting online.

Never give out personal information to somebody you don't know. Never send unsolicited pictures to anyone, not even if it's to someone you know. Pictures can be forwarded and used in completely different contexts--ones that you might not be happy about.

You should never meet someone that you have met online in a private place or at home alone. If someone you met online wants to meet you in person, contact your parents, guardian, or another trusted adult immediately. It's possible that you are being targeted by a sexual predator.

Never use your real name for a username, create a username that's not personal...I wish I would have followed this rule. If the username is already taken, add some numbers to it. If you give yourself a suggestive name like cutiehottie22, people might get the wrong idea about you or judge you by your screen name. If your name reveals something personal about you, like ShygirlNJ13, people might prey on that knowledge. Don't use your real name, your real age, or your hometown. A stranger can put two and two together to figure out where you live.

Never ever trust someone just because they send you a picture of themselves. A picture can be fake. Someone claiming to be a fourteen-year-old girl could actually be a fifty-year-old man!

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