Chapter Ten - Rhysand

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** Srry you'll find out what happens to Feyre next update :p also I'm starting dedications!!

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you—not including your aid from that battle," Tarquin declared as soon as he took a seat at the head of the dining table, slightly different from the one at Adriata. Today, we were in Etruria as this was where Tarquin and his court spent their time during the mid-spring months to the first month of summer.

I took the seat next to him. Varian and Cresseida had other matters to attend to, so they sat this discussion out. "I was informed that only our courts were attacked. You can explain that part to me later if I choose to keep you alive," Tarquin said, raising a hand to nearby servant.

    I snorted. "I'll give you three reasons why you should keep me alive." I looked at him dead in the eye. "The first and foremost would be that we need to be allied against Hybern. The reason Adriata was attacked today, with such a large force, was because Hybern hoped to sway you back to neutrality. Either that, or he hoped that you would choose to ally with him. I'm sure he's planning more attacks to the other courts sooner or later."

My attention snagged to a plate of sautéed fish that was being placed in front of me. I casually picked up my utensils. "My second reason," I said, waiting for Tarquin to take the first bite before I took one of my own, "is that I think we'd make a good pair. We have similar. . . visions."

"My visions do not include any schemes or manipulation."

I paused my eating to look at him. "Neither do mine."

He held my stare, considering what I just said. "What's the third reason?"

"If you kill me, then you would have to face the wrath of my mate." I smirked. I loved referring to Feyre as my mate. My mate. . . and High Lady of the Night Court. What was she up to now?

Tarquin's eyes widened a bit, but he chuckled. "I knew there was a meaning behind the sway that you and Feyre had when you came to visit."

Yes, our last visit. When she'd gotten jealous of Cresseida. And I had gotten jealous of Tarquin. To be honest, I had been aware that she was watching us that night on the barge. Through our bond, I'd sensed a twinge of jealousy from her, but she hadn't admitted it to herself, so I'd chosen to provoke her a bit by giving Cresseida a smile I hadn't even given Feyre yet. Although, that probably had to do with her telling Tarquin it'd be easy to love him.

"Where is Feyre now?" Tarquin asked.

The ocean waves gently crashed along the beach.

I finished my final piece of fish before I said, "With your neighbors to the south."

That caught the High Lord of the Summer Court slightly off guard. "So the rumors were true. . . Or at least a part of it." He set down his fork and someone came to take our plates away. "I've heard talk from the spring people saying that you had been controlling Feyre's mind before she broke free and joined Tamlin again, but from the conversations I've had with Feyre, I knew them to be false," he explained. "You say she's your mate, Rhysand, and I don't see you as the type to leave your mate with another man—especially Tamlin—without a good cause." Definitely was not that type. "And Hybern's there as well. . . Is she okay?"

"She chose to be there." I sighed. Tarquin waited for me to continue. "I'll explain," I said, "if you choose to work with me. And help me with this upcoming war. We'll fight Hybern together."

Tarquin thought for a moment and cleared his throat. "Through the eyes of many, the High Lord of Night is seen as a sadistic bastard who does everything in his own cruel, merciless way. Yet, I see differently. I think you do a lot of good in disguise. The others don't see it that way though." I studied him, wondering how sincere his words were or if he was just kissing my ass. Perhaps both. "I'm quite flattered that you want the help of a young High Lord like me." The smile he gave didn't match the sad, thoughtful manner in his eyes. I knew that look well—related to it. "I accept your offer, Rhysand. I'll join your plans."

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