Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up late. I'd left my phone in my room and had no alarm clock. When that happened, you couldn't expect me to wake up until, like, noon. Luckily Thomas came by eventually to wake me up. But it was six o'clock already. I couldn't make it to school in time. I ran into my room while running a hand through my hair. What day was it? Had I completed all of my homework?

I smacked my lips together and rushed into the bathroom. Tuesday. It was Tuesday. I brushed my teeth, my hair, got dressed, and was out of the house in twenty minutes. I didn't have enough time. I got to school at six forty. There was time to swim. But Ellie wasn't there. I checked my phone. I had one message from her. Where are you?

As I stared into the pool, all my water related fears attacked me. I began to tremble- I couldn't help it. I was freaking out! But, eventually I slipped a toe into the water. Nothing pulled me in. I didn't know what I was so afraid of. I'd swam with Ellie with no mishap occurring. I was sure it'd be the same as before. So I slipped fully into the water and my stomach clenched. My heart began beating faster. But I forced myself to duck under. So I did.

And I swam from one end of the pool to the other and took a deep breath when I got there. Swimming seemed harder today...without Ellie. I coughed up a little bit of water and kept coughing. Shoot. I'd thought I was done with that. I got ready to do another lap and made it a few feet when I started coughing under the water. I breathed in without coming up first and I began to panic.

This was the end. I would drown. I flailed around in the middle of the pool, feeling like I was being dragged slowly down by some fishy fiend. I couldn't stop panicking or coughing. It was as if I had locked up, unable to do anything else.

I heard somebody yell, "Good, God!" And some splashes sounded. I was being pulled to safety. My body convulsed and shook.

Somebody pulled and pushed me up onto the side of the pool. Will and Einstein. Their suits were soaked, and they knelt over me with concern in their eyes. I couldn't stop coughing. I eventually coughed up amazing amounts of water. It felt like my lungs were being burned up.

"Darcy, what happened! Ellie sent us to see if you were here and we came in to find you drowning!" Will was taking his shoes off.

I shut my eyes and tried to even my breathing out. I felt like I'd come close to death. Closer than ever before. My entire body felt weak. "I started coughing and breathed some water in." My voice was even weak. No surprise there.

"It's a good thing we came in when we did. It wouldn't have been pleasant to find a dead Darcy." Einstein smiled at me.

"It's not a joke, Einstein. I nearly drowned. But...I am glad you guys came to my rescue. I couldn't do anything."

"Let's get you dried off. I think Coach will understand why you couldn't finish today." Will offered me a hand up. I took it and rose on unsteady legs. I couldn't stand looking so weak before them. Like Fitz. I licked my lips and began walking towards the locker room. I hated swimming with a passion. Even more. There was a danger to it. There had been something dragging me down- I was sure of it.

"We'll go report to Ellie if you're sure you're okay," Will called after me.

"Go ahead." I coughed and opened the door.

"See you later," Einstein called.


I showered and put my non-chlorinated clothes on. Slowly I made my way out of the locker room. It was seven ten. I walked down the hall and heard a pattering of footsteps coming towards me. I looked up to see Ellie running down the hall. Her face was white.

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