Chapter Four

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Lunch flew around eventually and I made my way up to the old hangout. It was the old music classroom on the top floor. Converted into an ultimate luxury spot. Only DEWE was allowed to hang up there. And any girls Will happened to pick up. DEWE stood for Darcy, Einstein, William, Ellie. Einstein always tried to pronounce it like Dewey, but we told him it's just Dew. He always tried to incorporate some sort of math thing.

I opened the door and was glad to see only Will and Einstein in there. No intruders today. Hopefully.

"Hey, Darcy!" Will's chin shot forward and he smiled.

"Hey, guys."

"Do you have lunch?" Einstein took out his cellphone.


"I'll order some."

"So, Will, how's it going?"

"Yeah, we have to catch up. It's going good for me. Have a new girl, her name is Alice."

"Mmm, interesting. Are you still planning on going to law school?" Didn't really care about Will's 'new girl.'

"Nah, I decided it's too stuffy for me. That'd be more up Einstein's alley." Will jerked his thumb at our friend.

"Hey, no way! I'd prefer becoming a mad scientist over a lawyer. Actually, I want to be a racer."

"A racer?" My head jerked back. "When did this happen?"

"Sometime last year."

"I've missed so much, guys."

"Yeah, but that's what we're making up for now. So what I actually want to try is acting. I think I'd be pretty good at it. It appeals to me," Will said with an air of finality.

I snorted, "An actor? Please be serious."

"I'm perfectly serious. Tell him, Stein."

"He enrolled in some drama classes this semester."

"Wait, are you going to try for the musical?"

"I think I'd make a pretty dashing Benedick." Will jumped up and waved an imaginary sword in the air.

"We'll see about that," I muttered.

"What's up with you, Darce?" He sat back down.

"All types of stuff."

"How was English fourth period? Any cute freshman?" Einstein opened the door to lunch, which some cooks brought in.

"None worth my attention." Honestly, the only girl occupying my mind was Ellie.

"Nah, really?" Will picked up a fork and looked at his food intently.


"Still stuck on Ellie, then? She's changed too, you know. Oh yeah, for the better. Gorgeous girl." Einstein nodded and sat back into his chair.

"I am glad to know how high I stand in you boys' opinions." That was Ellie's voice. I whipped around, and Will choked back a laugh.

"Ellie!" Einstein shot up from his chair and placed his arm around her shoulders. "Darling, so glad you could join us." He led her over to his previous chair. I wished he'd get his arm off of her.

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