Chapter Twelve

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I got to math class and Mr. Wollster looked at me apprehensively. It was probably the hulking bruise on my face. It still burned something awful.

"Mr. Wood. What happened?" he asked monotone.

"I got into a fight." I plopped down into the first seat in the first row. I liked sitting up front. It helped me pay attention. Especially in math.

"I hope that's exactly what you'll tell your parents when you get home." He sent me a knowing look.

"My parents won't be home until Wednesday."

"You aren't home alone, I trust."

"Nah." He didn't really care about me, just doing his job as a teacher. Probably was rejoicing that I got into trouble.

"I am sure the principal has already informed them of your skirmish."

"Yeah, probably. They aren't coming home until Wednesday though."


The man had mumbled under his breath...but I could hear him perfectly. "Did you say 'pity'? Do you want me to get into trouble? You don't like me very much, do you." Proof.

Mr. Wollster glanced up with wide eyes. "What? How did you hear me?"

"It's just a little something I picked up."

"From eavesdropping?" The man lifted an eyebrow.

"You don't think I'm a very good kid, Mr. Wollster. That much I can tell. Why?"

"Is it any secret? You're completely irresponsible, disrespectful, and every single day I have to listen to Mrs. Charlotte and Miss Ria crow your praises. It's obnoxious."

"That's not a good basis for disliking me." Some people judge way too quickly (not that I've ever been guilty of that).

"I confess it is not, but I have let myself do so anyway." He pressed his lips together.

"Well, I hope you start liking me." Actually, I didn't really care.


"I don't like being disdained by people. I'm a lovable person." Even as I said those last words I didn't believe them. But maybe he would.

"Really? Somehow I don't buy into that." He lifted a skeptical eyebrow.

"I guess I shouldn't expect people to like me when I don't like others." I'd been talking to myself. On accident. Again. Why did it have to blurt out of my mouth?

But Mr. Wollster had heard. "No, I suppose not. You've given me something to think over, Mr. Wood. Thank you."

Huh? I didn't have time to ask what he meant. Other students started coming in. Barely anybody liked coming to math class early. At least that's what I thought.

As class went on, I was surprised that Mr. Wollster didn't voluntell me to do anything. Or ask me any questions. It was a nice break. Usually he would pick and pick and pick on me. Only when I couldn't answer a question correctly was he satisfied.

I didn't understand why he was so prejudiced against me. But then, why was I prejudiced against Violetta? I could list several reasons off the top of my head...the topmost one being: she was plain out annoying. Wait, wait...not plain out annoying, but extremely annoying. Maybe she couldn't help it though. Maybe she had some sort of weird mental disorder that made her extremely annoying. Maybe Edwin and Edna could help her...

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