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Grace's apartment was small

but it wasn't much smaller

than the one I was living in,

not that it even mattered.

I showered

and changed into 

the pair of sweat shorts

and the large t-shirt

that Grace gave to me.

I found myself 

curled up on her couch

after I was finished changing

while Grace made 

another cup of coffee

for me.

She said

her parents 

were working

because they started work 

really early in the morning,

and that she always missed them,

because she got home

from her late shift

after they left.

Grace was Daiha's age,

she told me,

and I think

she was just telling me this

so that  I would trust her

so that I would be distracted

from what was wrong with my life

what was wrong with me.

I didn't mind

hearing someone else talk

about someone

other than Daiha

hearing someone,


other than my own thoughts

for weeks on end.

I liked listening to her.

She was really sweet

and I think she understood

what it felt like

to have parents

that were never there.

I knew it was completely different

for Grace

because her parents 

weren't doing so well

in the money department

and she was trying to pay 

for college

which was why

she rarely saw her parents.

It wasn't because they didn't care

but because they did care

that they were gone all the time.

It wasn't the same

not at all

but she could maybe understand

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